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“Ephraim has turned to his idols: let him alone.”

Let him alone!” he clingeth to his idol,
Binding his soul beneath earth's heavy chain:
And now no longer shall God's mercy bridle
His wild desires, his passions fierce as vain.


“Let him alone!” his gifted soul now spurneth
Its lofty destiny for meaner things;
To earthly dreams in its blind faith it turneth;
Life's murky air has stained its snowy wings.
“Let him alone!” the Spirit hath departed,
Which, often grieved, shall strive with him no more;
Now must he onward, until, weary-hearted,
He loathes the idol which he loved of yore.
“Let him alone!” the awful doom is spoken;
Leave him to quaff the cup his hands have filled;
O! know we not, by many a bitter token,
What poisons by our passions are distilled?