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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 182.

[All praise to God the glorious One]

All praise to God the glorious One,
Thy Name let us adore,
Who loved us, and sent his Son,
Praise him for evermore.
The Cherubims with one accord
Do sing continually;
O holy, holy, holy Lord,
And glorious Majesty:
And shall not we affected be
With thy redeeming Love,
And sing to thee melodiously
With hearts raised above
All earthly things, since we have Springs
To drink of in the way,
That are so sweet, and make us meet
For Christ another day.
Our Tables spread with heavenly Bread
In presence of our Foes;
We eat fat things, and drink of Springs
From whence Soul-comfort flows.
What, Lord, so good as Divine Food
To those that gracious be,
And know full well nought can excell
What they enjoy of thee?
To God the Father, and the Son,
And Holy Ghost therefore,
Be glory, honour, and renown,
Now and for evermore.