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Waking, I gather, from silence and night,
The peace that I never could win from the day
The sad spirit, rather, retires from the light,
Imploring forever the daylight away.
The soul which is bounded by bonds which it hates,
Still flies to the lonely sad shades which are free;
The heart which is wounded by loss of its mates,
To the night shadows only for refuge may flee.
And when softly the moonlight is streaming around,
When curling the billow, and fresh from the sea
The night breeze takes flight, with a murmuring sound,
Then from each cold pillow, ascending to me,
Sweet spirits of sadness keep watch o'er my heart;
The dark Doubt is fleeting the moment they come;
The fear and the madness that vex'd me depart,
And Faith and Hope meeting, bring peace to my home.