University of Virginia Library


[What by the Lord of Hosts was said]

Mine eyes have seen the Lord of hosts—Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Go and tell this people, &c. Isaiah vi. 5.

Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet, saying, Go unto this, &c. Acts xxviii. 26, 27.

What by the Lord of Hosts was said,
Was by the Holy Ghost declared:
In majesty supreme array'd
The true Jehovah we regard,
And absolute Divinity
Ascribe, eternal Spirit, to Thee.
We that amidst a people dwell
Of harden'd hearts, and lips unclean,
Who see, and hear, yet will not feel,
Or know that blasphemy is sin,
But still Thy Deity deny,
And speak against the Lord most high.
Their eyes against the light they close,
Their ears they stop against the word,
Their own felicity oppose,
Opposing Thee, the' almighty Lord,
The Holy Ghost came down from heaven
To certify their sins forgiven.
The Spirit of a healthful mind
Freely they might in Thee receive,
The cure of all their evils find;
But will not own their God and live,


Till in their sins they die unheal'd,
And find their sure damnation seal'd.