University of Virginia Library


[Israel's Lord and God supreme]

The Lord God of Israel—spake by the mouth of His holy prophets since the world began. Luke i. 68–70.

Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet, &c. Acts xxviii. 25.

Israel's Lord and God supreme
Spake by His messengers,
Moved to testify of Him
The old enraptured seers:
Prophets, since the world began,
The Holy Ghost inspired to tell
His Divinity to man,
And all His mind reveal.


Well the Holy Ghost, the Lord,
Did by Esaias say,
Israel would reject His word,
His counsel disobey:
All alike reject Him now,
Who Israel's God the Spirit deny,
Will not to Jehovah bow,
Or own Him the Most High.