University of Virginia Library


[Jehovah's Spirit of purest love]

The Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man. Genesis vi. 3.

Jehovah's Spirit of purest love
Waited in Noah's days,
And long the God of patience strove
With that rebellious race:
The same almighty Spirit strives,
And help to us imparts,
Sufficient to reform our lives,
And change our sinful hearts.


But if, disdaining to receive,
His proffer'd aid we slight,
His goodness obstinately grieve,
And do our God despite;
His patience will not always last
To those that brave His power:
And when our gracious day is past,
He strives with us no more.
But let us to our God return
Most pitiful, most high,
For mercy at His footstool mourn,
For farther respite cry:
Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay,
And strive again with me,
Nor cast a wretched soul away
That has rejected Thee.
Though late, I yield me to Thy will,
With free, entire consent;
Thy pleasure, Lord, in me fulfil
A pardon'd penitent:
So shall I publish Thee abroad
Jehovah from above,
The only, true, eternal God
Of everlasting love.