University of Virginia Library

Ah, great Augustus! thou deserv'st an Host
Of Heroes, such as ancient Rome produc'd;
When each Commander should like Scipio be;
Or rather like the yet more Godlike thee,
Brave, Temperate, Prudent to the last degree.
The common Rout all Sceva's in the Field,
Who bore a thousand Arrows in his Shield.
At least they shou'd have Souls to be inspir'd,
And by thy great Example to be fir'd;


Thy Constancy and Valour imitate,
And raise at once thy Glory and the State.
This said, and parting with a pittying Look,
Tow'rds his Eternal Hope his way he took,
And blest his Fate he cou'd again return
To the blest Confines of his peaceful Urn.