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Frances Lights.
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Frances Lights.

At Lions Hamule in the Hebrew learnd:
At Arles one John and Rotland bishops were.
At Lexovy Frecalph who oft ore turnd
The Scripture, and Explaind it very cleare
Whose pious life and doctrine led them there.
Senona had learnd Anseg is Rome's ape
And Eberhard; Rhemes Turpin did enjoy.
Wolfery, Hinemar learnd, and Fulck sad State.
At Aurenge Th'odulph, Jonas out did fly.
At Tulla Arnulph full of Piety.


Halidgary was at Camera set.
And Hincomar at Laudune, Hadebert
At Sylvanect. Adalbert did they get
Now at Morina, there they doctrine part
But how we know not. Yet their times were dark.
Biturica had six. Frotare the fourth,
Seems to withstand Romes pride. And Jesse, who
Was sixt, the Pope likt not, hence some good growth.
Leody five possesst. Odilbald to
Them of Trajecta out his doctrine show.
Remigius at Antisiodore did shine.
At Car nota Altergery arose,
At Paris Herchinrad, and Gozzolme,
At Mets Drogo great Charles his bastard flows
Whom Lothair sent to Rome the Pope to nose.
He with an Army came to Rome reprooves
The Pope calld, Swines face for his treachery.
Him, Senat, and the Roman poeple moves.
And forcd them to an oath of fealty.
And Rutber after him did Mets Supply.
Trevers had five, whose third brave Thetgand was.
The Pope exchurcht him, he in's letter Stiles
The Pope too Antichrist, him damns, did pass
And's Excommunication on him quiles.
Th'Ipsissim Whore of Babylon assoiles.
Thou playst the Woolfe, said he, in Shephards weeds.
Thou shewst thyselfe the Pagan Jove in facts.
Thou Servant, Stylst thyself of Servants seeds.
But lord of Lords thou shewst thyselfe whose acts
Are Quicquid libet licet Painted Shack.
We who are scattered ore the world abide
The City of our God. Rome's Babylon
Described by the Sacred Prophets tribe.
As up into the heaven high ore grown.
Usurping of the God heads proper throne.
That beasts she is eternall, erreth not,
Nor Can once Erre. This Witniss for his pains
Was banisht to the Sabines where he got,
With Gunther and as Stranger life mentains
Who by the Papists murdering hands are slain.
Farewell poore Spain: thou com'st not in th's rowle.
And Italy I leave out. Ireland
And Scotland are not heare. And Englands scrowle
Yields Assery of Shirburn, Thetwolfe and
Swithin, Dumbert and Dunwolph winton man'd.


At Wister Verefride none of the best,
Gildas a monk and very fabulous
John Erigen a learned man invest
And slain at Malmsbury times perilous
But Valafrid was very vertuous.
These gleaning further take at Taurine shone
Italy Claudius a Spaniard bright
Syncere in Faith Romes Errours overgrown
Images Relicks, Penance Pride did smite
And preached to his people gospell light
Berthram a Priest in France shone brighter far
In Doctrine of the Sacrament in Chiefe.
Than many other, who seem as a Star
And Corbery Abbat Pascase whose Reliefe
About the Same proud Fredwards Right reliefe.
But to Conclude these Candles named here,
Did give at best a very smoaky flame.
I doubt not but the glory was more Cleare
Which in this day in ev'ry Realm out came
Adornd with grace 'mongst those of lower Name.
Whose fame was not espi'de by writers pens,
Nor meddled with, as in too low a Sphere.
And yet more high than what a dim eye kens
Ditcht up with smoake that poethers ev'ry where.
For lofty Egles catch not Flies. So here.