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[Come from thy home in the far blue sky]
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[Come from thy home in the far blue sky]

Come from thy home in the far blue sky,
Spirit of beauty and love and song!
Hang on thy airy pinions nigh,
When the dreams of my wayward fancy throng;
Give them a brighter and gayer hue,
Shape them to forms of finer mould,
Fairer than ever painter drew,
Brighter than all the gods of old.
Lead me to that delicious clime,
Where the anana swells and glows;
Lay me beneath the flowering lime,
Where the dew in drops of nectar flows:
There let the visions of beauty rise,
And float in fairy trains away,
Bright as their own unclouded skies,
And rich as the parting light of day.
Bring to my heart the melting tone,
Once so sweet to my lingering ear;
Though the days of youth have flown,
Still that tone to my heart is dear.
Now it seems to murmur by,
Soft as the wind in a bed of flowers;
Now the falling whispers die,—
Gone is the dream of my fairest hours.
Dimly the visions of beauty fade,
Like the cloud that melts in the evening air,
When its colors vanish shade by shade,
Till the blue of the sky alone is there;


Ere they have wholly faded, throw,
Spirit of beauty! one glance to me,
Bright as the last and fullest glow
Of the setting sun on the golden sea.