University of Virginia Library

On the large alabaster step,
I watched an hour without, but all for naught:
Came Mansoul and the Council no more forth.
The entáblature I márked and pediment fair adorned,
With inlaid portraitures of Worlds righteous spirits;
And crystal-clear were pillars underset.
Whose chapiters were, of copper-smiths cunning-work;
Gilt leaves, adorned.
Mine eyes, from that high terrace,
Surveyed Dream-Citys Prospect forth; great Maze,
Of hundred streets beneath, 'twixt clustered roofs;
But soon anéw I felt impelled my steps;
On that high chambered marble colonnade;
Which on the right hand was.
First, I was stayed;
Where men severe of port, Philosophers,
Conférred of Mans estate. A little group,


Next whom I stood, (Hellenes,) entreated thus:
. . . Renouncing all, whereof Man hath no need;
Lifted above base ferment of birth-flesh;
Made subject rédeemed human sense thenceforth,
Unto every good intent: might, with souls health,
Man best approach to Wisdoms perfect source.
And the Hinges of the World, with patient steps,
Ascending from things known, take knowledge of.
Some there I viewed, which stood, by twos and threes,
Them night, that would be counted of their part.
But little had they wrought of wórthy work.
I looked, and presently those became a masque;
Which púrsued after painted butterflies.
Each then his sovereign Remedy loud professed;
When he had caught a fly, of human ills.
I marvelled, how théy passed the Citys Watch!
Went further forth, I stayed with peace of spirit;
Beneath domed Chamber, on whose azure walls;
Pourtrayed were the night-seasons starry signs.
Wherein, past Reasons reach, may eyes of flesh;
That wheeling Temple, of the Firmament;
Mens thousand ages' dread Astonishment!


Behold! Eternity visible to Mankind:
And Architecture of the Universe;
Governed by immutable Laws, (might we them read!)
Within, Nights lifelong faithful Watchers sate;
Sons of Urania, ambrosial heavenly Muse.
Great-souled, large-browed, attent; it was their part,
Beholding reverent fróm Earths tiding Round
That sovereign March of Heavens Firmament:
The supreme works to Chronicle, óf the SIRE
Of men and Gods.
Whilst World self-shadowed sleeps,
Till tardy day awake; sáve the lone voice,
Of elemental winds, waves, water-brooks:
Gazing, through their perspective tubes, they may pierce;
The amazing Vision of heavens starry coast!
And being their discipline, that alone which doth;
Of mens school-doctrines, stand without debate,
Of inept tongues, which better fed than taught:
They of Times, the everlasting Ordinance,
Predict; and can, in Balances of the Mind,
Poise even Earths Mass; compute celestial paths


And numbers supputate, which exceeding thought;
Can only, in empty ciphers be expressed.