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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tipum gerit penitencium.

And ho beris liknes be our lore
of synful men now her lyuyng,
that syn forsaken & wil no more,
to showe thai shyn haue forȝyuyng.
I fynde that Crist wold first apper
for fyue causes to Mavdelayn,

Apparuit Ihesus Marie Magdalene.

the first is for ho louede enter,
neuer non more, ys not to layn;


And therof Luke beris witnes
of mony synnes ho hade mercy,
And of Ihesu forȝifnes,
by cause ho lufd so tenderly.

Dimissa sunt ei peccata multa, quoniam dilexit multum. Lucas vijo.

The secunde cause wel preue I may
bi his owen word, as reden we,
fforto showe in dede verray
for synful men þat deȝet he.

Non veni vocare iustos set peccatores. Matheus ixo.

The thrid cause was wyterly,
for comune wymmen, Crist sais her,
that menden hom & han mercy
passen wise men, bout wer,
In heuen & in þat endles blis
qven thai ben clanset of hor syn,
sayn Mathew witnes beres of this,
In Latyn as I shal ȝou myn:

Amen dico vobis quia publicani & peccatores & meretrices precedent sapientes in regno celorum. Matheus xio.

the f[ifte] cause skilful was,
Sithen wommon was a messager
forto bryng deth on plas,
As Eue did in foul maner,
An-other woman ful of grace,
as Mare Maudelayn was her,
Schulde comford careful in this case
to telle his rising to his der.
the furthe hit was i-wis
that God wold grace wer ther plente,
as synne hade bien and doyng mysse,
therfore to hir aperet he.


Herto acordes Paule oright,
and says ther gult hade greuet sor,
grace was grete and was vngright
ther-as fulthe hade bien before.

Ad Romanos vo: Vbi habundauit delictum, superabundauit & gracia.

the secounde tyme aperet he
To two Maries hom comyng,
That at the sepulcre hym to se
haden bien whit sor syking.
But when thai misset hym, leue ȝe me,
thai wenten Aȝayn bothe remymg;
then saide Ihesu wit hert fre,
‘Al hail,’ to hom Aȝayn turnyng.
Then weren hor hertes ful of blis,
and touchet his fete deuoutely,
ther Mavdelayn befor i-wys
touchet hym noght, as wel rede I.
And these wymmen, as clerkes sayn,
tokenen mekenysse, leue ȝe maye,
for wemen fallen wel to be bayn
as God ordaynet, to monnes paye.
The thridde tyme he con appere
to Petre, but when knowen not we,
and holi chirche als his in were
in what place aperet he.
But hit might wele falle i-wis
whenne he tournet wit Iohn Aȝayn,
as clerkes opinioun fulle his,
from the sepulcre, as thai sayn.
Petre twinnet ther from Iohan
and turnet by another way,
thenne aperet Ih[esu] anone
to Petre as mon, leue ȝe may.


Therfor Petre wel may ber
liknesse of hom that woln be
buxum heuen keng to her,
for that wertu fulle hade he.
The feurthe apering was aftre noon
to his disciples sor mournyng,
toward Enaus when he come sone
To comfort hom in hor goyng.
And tho disciples moun signifie
Suche as willeful pouert han,
and woln fulfille mekely
His worde and hold that thai han tane;
For God biddes selle that þou has
and giffe to por men wit gode wille,
then his disciple t[he] he maas,
ȝif thou that biddyng wolt fulfille.

Wade & vende omnia, que habes & da pauperibus.

the fift tyme, in gode fay,
to his disciples aperet he
whenne thai wer to-ȝedur that daye,
in Iohannes gospel as þou may se.

Iohannes xxvo

And that betokenes, clerkes sayn,
Religiouse mennes lif on right
wit ȝates stoken, as wol do gayn,
of hor fyue wittes day & night.
And thus Ihesu these tymes fyue
Schewet hym that ilk day
that he rose from deth to lyue,
And aftur a four, as I schal say.
But these fyue showynges her
Representes a prest i-wys
that in his masse in gode maner
Fyue sythe hym turnes, as vset ys,


to the pepul that thai moun se
his viceage and sum-what sayng,
but at the thridde tyme noght says [he]
That comes to hor her ny hering;
and that betokenes trwly
the thridde shoyng Petre [to],
that was done al priueli,
therfor the prest ay so con do;
ffor holychirche fulle bileue has
that to Petre aperet he,
but what tyme & in what place
is not wel knowen leue ȝe me.
The sixte sithe on the heght daye
Apperet Ihesu to hom vchone,
Thomas wit hom and not awaye,
the ȝates alle stoken of that wone;
For Thomas hade saide before
he nold not leue in no maner,
til he hade sene his wondes sor
and felet hom to witte hit so wer.

Iohannes xxo: Cum esset sero die illo.

and this shoyng to sayn Thomas
betokenes men myssebeleuyng
and dredyng right as Thomas

Significauit esitan[tes] in fide.

The faithe that Crist in vrthe con bring.
the seuent sithe, sothe for to say,
to his disciples apparet he
as thai weren fysshing, in gode fay,
by Iohanes gospel know may we.

Iohannis vltimo.

And that showyng he showet hym then
prechours wel may signifie,
For thai bien fisshers made of men,
to heuen thurgh hom that þai moun hie.


The heght sithe he showde hym tho,
as Matheu sais, in brether sight
apon a hulle ther he con go,
The whiche hulle that Tabor hight.

Mathei vltimo.

And that [b]e-tokenes trewly
Men in grete contemplacioun,
that [han] hor mynde assiduelly
on dedes of deuocioun.
For on that hulle, as reden we,
transfiguret was God almight,
as in the gospel mon may se
wo-seuer wil rede all on right.
the nient sithe was, in gode fay,
at a soper-place as thai were
opon the assencioun daye,
When [he] repreuet in gode maner
ho[r] misbileue and hard hert also
[þat þey hadden to leue aright,
For ay þey hoped sum-what fals]
that apertely seghen in sight,
And shewyng of [him] tho
Synful men may signifie,
[þat at the laste God casteþ from wo]
And bringes hom to his mercy.

Marci vltimo.

the tente sithe that aperet he
and the last, I ow behete,
was that day he to heuen con fle
in the mounte of Oliuyte.

Luce vltimo.

Whiche disciples ther beyng
Signifien men ful of mercy,
And louyng Godde in alle thing,
ffor no nede dredyng ne any.


and from that place to heuen blisse
he stegh fro hom ful myghfulli,
whiche blisse let vs not misse
That al this did as told haue I.
thre other shoynges wel [I] finde
that fallen opon Astur-day,
that I schal telle wil I haue mynde,
but in no gospel sette bien thai.
The first shoynge of hym wasse
to the lasse Iame i-wisse,
as his legent mynde maas
and Ierom witnesse hit so is.
And Iesephus witenesses [ek]e also
on Gode Friday when Crist was deed,
Iames made a uow tho
That he wold neuer ete no brede
Til his lord Crist risen wer
from deth wit ful might,
whiche auow trwly enter
He held til then as he hade hight.
But thenne opon the thridde day
Crist aperet to hym in sight,
And spake to hom þat seruet hym ay,
A borde & brede that þai shuld diȝt.
Quen borde was sett & brede þer-on,
Crist blesside þat brede deuoutly,
And toke hit Iame to bite opon,
And saide þat now reherce wil I:
‘Rise vp brother,’ he saide onon,
‘And ete to comfort þe þer-by,
for Ihesu Crist both god & mon
Is risen & her is neghe þe by.’


Anoþer time apperit he
to Ioseph Abaramathy,
As apertly mon may se
In Nichodemus euangely.
ffor quen þe Iewis seȝen þis,
that Ioseph for Ihesu con pray,
his body dede & ful of blis
In sepulcre forto lay,
And Pilate grauntide hade so hym,
And Ioseph Ihesu honouret hade,
the Iewes wexen wonder grym
And mych mournyng made;
And token Ioseph priuely,
In-to a prison thai hym pytt,
with lokkes & barres bisily
the dores þai steken & fast shytt,
And thoȝten after þe sabot day
to sle hym for that ilk dede,
but Crist delyueret hym away,
As ȝe shul her qvo-so wol hede.
ffor Ihesu come that selfe nyȝt
that was his resurreccioun
with four angels shynyng bryȝt,
And entride into þat prisoun,
Wi[pe]t his visage cusside hym tho
And lad hym out, no lok vndone,
til he come to his hous hom fro
In Arimathy & that ful sone.
the thrid shewyng, as leue we,
that first was don of alle ichone,
was to Mary his modir fre
thagh mynde in gospel made be none.


And þat wel preues þe chirch of Rome,
for onon þe selue day
thai worshipide his vp-rist & come,
with solempne processioun Ay
to a chirch of Our Lady,
erly on Aster-day þai gone,
quich goyng may signifie
he showide to hir bifore ichone.
And if this wel ne leuet wer
that Crist apperit first to Mary,
hit wold seme he come not ner
ther ho was that time witerly;
And that may noway leuet be
that Crist did so vnkyndly,
al-thagh mon may not fynde ne se
writen in none euangely,
Euel semes hit sich a son as he
shuld for-ȝete his moder in ny,
And showe hym to alle his meyne
And hir that best was let go by,
But þis opinion wil not falle,
And clercus hopen in this cas
thaȝe þe euangelistes alle
of this mater no mynde mas—
ffor hit fel for hor offys
to write hom that myȝt witnes ber,
but modir for sone no laghe lys
to take for witnes ne to swer—
But for thai hopide hit no nede
to sett in gospel that doyng,
thai laft hit as thyng done in dede
alle men in hit to haue leuying.