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You say, “Faith may be, one agrees,
“A touchstone for God's purposes,


“Even as ourselves conceive of them.
“Could he acquit us or condemn
“For holding what no hand can loose,
“Rejecting when we can't but choose?
“As well award the victor's wreath
“To whosoever should take breath
“Duly each minute while he lived—
“Grant heaven, because a man contrived
“To see its sunlight every day
“He walked forth on the public way.
“You must mix some uncertainty
“With faith, if you would have faith be.
“Why, what but faith, do we abhor
“And idolize each other for—
“Faith in our evil or our good,
“Which is or is not understood
“Aright by those we love or those
“We hate, thence called our friends or foes?
“Your mistress saw your spirit's grace,
“When, turning from the ugly face,
“I found belief in it too hard;
“And she and I have our reward.
“—Yet here a doubt peeps: well for us
“Weak beings, to go using thus
“A touchstone for our little ends,
“Trying with faith the foes and friends;


“—But God, bethink you! I would fain
“Conceive of the Creator's reign
“As based upon exacter laws
“Than creatures build by with applause.
“In all God's acts—(as Plato cries
“He doth)—he should geometrize.
“Whence, I desiderate . . .”