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Germany blossoms now when others droop.
Bavaria at Salburge did enjoy
Adolram, Leopram, and Baldram's fruite,
But wheather sweet, or soure we cannot spy
But little of them, but their times look wry.
Adelwin, Batarick, and Amberick
At Regnsburge bishops were, but of what hew?
Tuto obtains Ratispon's bishoprick,
At Bathave Angelmar, and Bithing grew
At Frising Hallo: yea and Waldo too.


In Swevland at Augusta Hanto ruld.
Then Hulderick a man of worthy fame,
Who did rebuke the Pope and him well schoold
Who doth by Marrage hindering, mentain
Doctrine of Divells Paul Confirms the Same.
At Ments Otgary rose with learned rayes.
And Baban after him more learnd and sound,
Though both staind with great blotches of the dayes.
Luid'bert is said with piety to abound
All other I pass ore that here are found.
At Worms are Bernard, Rotald, Theotel.
Arnoat Herboole, at Wirtziburge
Rudolph: at Basil Haido bears the bell.
At Constance Solomon who wants a purge
In many things his learning wants a scourge.
At Colen Gunther rose who did avow
The Pope of Rome was Antichrist most vile.
In Holland Hiero of England now
Did preach at Norwick in a gospell style
And him the Pope did of his life beguile.
Twelve rose at Verd in Westphaly but all
Were of a Romish Cut, at Badeborn there
Five other Such, at Mimegard four Call,
And five at Osnaburge, at Minden were
But two. At Hildesheim five filld the Chair.
At Halberstade were six, the third of which
A man of fame more sound in doctrine was
Than many others. And at Hambrough sits
Five more whereof Ansgary out did pass
Preacht to the Sweds and Danes with Christ the Mass.
Now Germany farewell, the other day
There was but little room in thee my Pen
Obtaind; though now there's Stable much and hay
That makes but little praises rise now when
Ive come to gloss upon thy preaching men.