University of Virginia Library


[The self-same act of grace Divine]

That which is born of the Spirit. John iii. 6.

That which is born of God. [Gr.] 1 John v. 4.

The self-same act of grace Divine
Which in our second birth we prove,
Great God, is an effect of Thine,
And of Thy Spirit from above:
His constituted witnesses
To whom He makes the mystery known,
One nature we in Both confess:
God and the Spirit are but One.
Come, Holy Ghost, Thou God most high,
Thou everlasting Spirit come,
Our faithful hearts to certify,
And consecrate Thine earthly home:
When Thou hast seal'd Thy bless'd abode,
Jehovah's mansion we shall be,
A temple of the Triune God;
For all the Godhead is in Thee.