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I borne was forth then, ín much mingled Press,
Of cítizen dream-souls, fróm their Market-place;
Which sued with Mansoul, towards the Acropolis.
Founded was that on white great marble cliff:
Whereon, on this part, stood the Parliament House;
With majesty of more than craftsmens handiwork.
A two-fold flight of sculptured steps ascended;
To that Basilica-like proud Edifice:
Wherein appeared bright golden stately porch;
Not builded, but with chisel only wrought.
And seemed likewise, óf the same living rock;
The many-chambered marble colonnades;
Which joined, thereto, as wings, on either part.
And whiles I gazed, Mansoul I saw mount up,
Alone by the degrees. And at the height;
To meet him, stand Dream-Citys purpled Senate.
Worship and dignity was in their high looks.
All entered then, and thé great gates were shut.
Whose two-leaved doors, of fretted cedar-work,


Gold-ringed, with noble bronze bedight in part;
(And that gem-set, with azure stars and flowers;)
Upon their brazen sockets, silent rolled
Had to.