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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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To my kind and worthy Friends in Ireland, who on a Report of my Death, made and published several Elegies Lyrick and Pastoral, very much to my Honour.
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To my kind and worthy Friends in Ireland, who on a Report of my Death, made and published several Elegies Lyrick and Pastoral, very much to my Honour.

Sighing Shepherds of Hiberna,
Thank ye for your kind Concern a',
When a fause Report, beguiling,
Prov'd a Draw-back on your smiling;
Dight your Een, and cease your grieving,
ALLAN's hale, and well, and living,
Singing, laughing, sleeping soundly,
Cowing Beef, and drinking roundly;
Drinking roundly Rum and Claret,
Ale and Usquae, Bumpers fair out,
Supernaculum but spilling,
The least Diamond drawing, filling;
Sowfing Sonnets on the Lasses,
Hounding Satyres at the Asses;
Smiling at the surly Criticks,
And the Pack-horse of Politicks;
Painting Meadows, Schaws and Mountains,
Crooking Burns and flowing Fountains;


Flowing Fountains, where ilk Gowan
Grows about the Borders glowan,
Smelling sweetly, and inviting
Poets Lays, and Lovers meeting;
Meeting kind to niffer Kisses,
Bargaining for better Blesses.
Hills in dreary Dumps now lying,
And ye Zephyrs swiftly flying,
And ye Rivers gently turning,
And ye Philomellas mourning,
And ye double sighing Echoes,
Cease your Sobing, Tears, and Hey! ho's!
Banish a' your Care and Grieving,
ALLAN's hale, and well, and living,
Early up on Morning's shining,
Ilka Fancy warm refining,
Giving ilka Verse a Burnish
That maun Second Volume furnish,
To bring in frae Lord and Lady
Meikle Fame and Part of Ready;
Splendid thing of constant Motion,
Fish'd for in the Southern Ocean;
Prop of Gentry, Nerve of Battles,
Prize for which the Gamester rattles;
Belzie's Banes, deceitfu', kittle,
Risking a' to gain a little.
Pleasing Philip's tunefu' Tickle
Philomel, and kind Arbuckle:
Singers sweet, baith Lads and Lasses,
Tuning Pipes on Hill Parnassus,
ALLAN kindly to you wishes
Lasting Life, and Rowth of Blesses;
And that he may, when ye surrender
Sauls to Heaven, in Number tender
Give a' your Fames a happy Heezy,
And gratefully immortalize ye.

See Note Vol. I. p. 11 [l. 21].