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The Poems of Edward Taylor

Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz

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143. Meditation. Can. 6.10. Who is she that looks forth as the morning. Fare as the Moon Clear as the Sun. Terrible as an Army With Banners.
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143. Meditation. Can. 6.10. Who is she that looks forth as the morning. Fare as the Moon Clear as the Sun. Terrible as an Army With Banners.

13.5m [July] 1718.
Wonders amazed! Am I espousd to thee?
My Glorious Lord? What! shall my bit of Clay
Be made more bright than brightest Angells bee,
Looke forth like as the Morning every way?
And shall my lump of Dirts ware such attire?
Rise up in heavenly Ornaments thus, higher?
But still the Wonders stand, shall I looke like
The glorious morning that doth gild the Skie
With golden beams that make all day grow light
And View the World ore with its golden Eye?
And shall I rise like fair as the fair Moon,
And bright as is the Sun, that lights Each room?
When we behold a piece of China Clay
Formd up into a China Dish compleat
All spiced ore as with gold Sparks display
Their beauty all under a glass robe neate,
We gaze thereat and wonder rise up will
Wondring to see the Chinees art and Skill.
How then should we and Angells but admire
Thy Skill and Vessell thou hast made bright thus
Out for to look like to the Morning tire
That shineth out in all bright Heavenly plush?


Whose golden beams all Varnish ore the Skies
And gild our Canopy in golden wise?
Wonders are nonplust to behold thy Spouse
Look forth like to the morning whose sweet rayes
Gild ore our Skies as with transparent boughs
Like Orient gold of a Celestiall blaze.
Fair as the Moon bright as the Sun most cleare
Gilding with spirituall gold graces bright Sphere.
O Blessed! Virgin Spouse shall thy sharp lookes
Gild o're the Objects of thy Shining Eyes
Like fairest Moon, and Brightest Sun do th'Fruits
Even as that make the morning shining rise?
The fairest moon in'ts Socket's Candle light
Unto the Night and th'Sun's days Candle bright.
Thy Spouses Robes all made of Spirituall Silk
Of th'Web wove in the Heavens bright Loom indeed,
By the Holy Spirits hand more white than milk
And fitted to attire thy Soule that needs.
As th'morning bright's made of the Suns bright rayes
So th'Spirits Web thy Souls rich Loom o're layes.
Oh! Spouse adorned like the morning Cleare
Chasing the night out from its Hemesphere.
And like the fair face of the Moon: whose Cheere
Is very brave and like the bright Sun peare,
Thus gloriously fitted in brightest Story
Of Grace espousd to be the king of glory.
And thus deckt up methinks my Eare attends
Kings, Queens and Ladies Query. Who is this?
Enravisht at her Sight, how she out sends
Her looks like to the morning filld with Bliss,
Fair as the Moon Clear as the Sun in'ts Costs
And terrible as is a bannerd host?


And all in Graces Colours thus bedight
That do transend with glorys Shine, the Sun
And Moon for fairness and for glorious light
As doth the Sun a gloworms Shine out run.
No wonder then and if the Bridesgroom say
Thou art all fair my Love, Yea Everyway.
May I a member be, my Lord, once made
Here of thy Spouse in truest Sence, though it bee
The meanest of all, a Toe, or Finger 'rayde
Ist have enough of bliss, espousd to thee.
Then I in brightest glory ere't belong
Will Honour thee singing that Wedden Song.