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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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97 Of the growth of Trees to Sir H. Port.

At your rich Orchard, you to me did show,
How swift the Trees were planted there, did grow
Namely, an Elme, that in no long abode,
Did of a twigge, grow vp to be a loade.
But you would quite condemne your trees of slouth
Compar'd to our trees admirable grouth.
Our planters haue found out such secret skils,
With pipe and barrell-staues, and iron Mils;
That Okes, for which none ten yeeres since were willing
To giue ten groats, are growne worth thirty shilling
At which I waxt so wood, I said in rage,
That thirst of Gold, makes this an Iron age.