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Scene III.

Music and song. Sigismund enters, lost in amazement. Servants minister to him, presenting costly robes.— Clotaldo, and Clarin.
Help me, Heaven, what's this I see!
Help me, Heaven, what's this I view!
Things I scarce believe are true,
But, if true, which fright not me.
I in palaces of state?
I 'neath silks and cloth of gold?
I, around me, to behold


Rich-robed servants watch and wait?
I so soft a bed to press
While sweet sleep my senses bowed?
I to wake in such a crowd,
Who assist me even to dress?
'Twere deceit to say I dream,
Waking I recall my lot,
I am Sigismund, am I not?
Heaven make plain what dark doth seem!
Tell me, what has phantasy—
Wild, misleading, dream-adept—
So effected while I slept,
That I still the phantoms see?
But let that be as it may,
Why perplex myself and brood?
Better taste the present good,
Come what will some other day.

First Servant
(aside to the Second Servant, and to Clarin).
What a sadness doth oppress him!

Second Servant.
Who in such-like case would be
Less surprised and sad than he?

I for one.

Second Servant
(to the First).
You had best address him.

First Servant
(to Sigismund).
May they sing again?

No, no;
I don't care to hear them sing.

Second Servant.
I conceived the song might bring
To your thought some ease.

Not so;
Voices that but charm the ear
Cannot soothe my sorrow's pain;
Tis the soldier's martial strain
That alone I love to hear.

May your Highness, mighty Prince,


Deign to let me kiss your hand,
I would first of all this land
My profound respect evince.

'Tis my gaoler! how can he
Change his harshness and neglect
To this language of respect?
What can have occurred to me?

The new state in which I find you
Must create a vague surprise,
Doubts unnumbered must arise
To bewilder and to blind you;
I would make your prospect fair,
Through the maze a path would show,
Thus, my lord, 'tis right you know
That you are the prince and heir
Of this Polish realm: if late
You lay hidden and concealed
'Twas that we were forced to yield
To the stern decrees of fate,
Which strange ills, I know not how,
Threatened on this land to bring
Should the laurel of a king
Ever crown thy princely brow.
Still relying on the power
Of your will the stars to bind,
For a man of resolute mind
Can them bind how dark they lower;
To this palace from your cell
In your life-long turret keep
They have borne you while dull sleep
Held your spirit in its spell.
Soon to see you and embrace
Comes the King, your father, here—
He will make the rest all clear.

Why, thou traitor vile and base,
What need I to know the rest,


Since it is enough to know
Who I am my power to show,
And the pride that fills my breast?
Why this treason brought to light
Hast thou to thy country done,
As to hide from the King's son,
'Gainst all reason and all right,
This his rank?

Oh, destiny!

Thou the traitor's part hast played
'Gainst the law; the King betrayed,
And done cruel wrong to me;
Thus for each distinct offence
Have the law, the King, and I
Thee condemned this day to die
By my hands.

Second Servant.
Prince. ...

No pretence
Shall undo the debt I owe you.
Catiff, hence! By Heaven! I say,
If you dare to stop my way
From the window I will throw you.

Second Servant.
Fly, Clotaldo!

Woe to thee,
In thy pride so powerful seeming,
Without knowing thou art dreaming!

Second Servant.
Think. ...

Away! don't trouble me.

Second Servant.
He could not the King deny.

Bade to do a wrongful thing
He should have refused the King;
And, besides, his prince was I.

Second Servant.
'Twas not his affair to try
If the act was wrong or right.

You're indifferent, black or white,
Since so pertly you reply.


What the Prince says is quite true,
What you do is wrong, I say.

Second Servant.
Who gave you this license, pray?

No one gave; I took it.

Art thou, speak?

A meddling fellow,
Prating, prying, fond of scrapes,
General of all jackanapes,
And most merry when most mellow.

You alone in this new sphere
Have amused me.

That's quite true, sir,
For I am the great amuser
Of all Sigismunds who are here.