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Exterior View of the Temple of the Sun, behind which is a mountainous View.
Enter Ataliba in triumph—Rolla and Alonzo on each side followed by Caciques, Soldiers, &c. some guarding Huescar as an hostage.
Guard well the hostage of returning peace,
But treated as our kindred let him be;
Misfortune claims compassion, 'twill decrease
The constrain'd rigour of captivity!

Rolla! Alonzo! chiefs in honour's cause,
Accept our thanks—a grateful monarch's prayer.
He presents each with a rich embroidered scarf, as a token of affection for the services rendered him in the recent battle!


Protectors of our altars, our liberty, and laws,
(The people bow to them)
My people view, exult with you!
My people who're my children! my paternal care!

Alonzo, Cacique, Juan, Chorus, and Ataliba.
With heart, hand, and voice,
Attune loyalty's string;
A happy people's choice,
Must reign a happy king!
And curs'd be the traitor the golden band who'd sever,
Long live my people! the king live for ever!

Exeunt exultingly.
The chorus dying away, Rolla returns followed by Zorimbo; he looks on the scarf bestowed on him by Ataliba, and, shaking his head, hints it only conceals a heart tortur'd with hopeless love; then gazes at the temple, intimating the object of his wishes is sequestered there—then sighs.
endeavouring to console him,
Rolla forbear! why heave the hopeless sigh?
Take thy last look—'twill wring thy tortur'd breast;
By victory crown'd, a nation's wishes blest,
In glory's blaze the fatal flame should die!


Away! away!
Madness attends your stay,
Retire—retire awhile, and lull your griefs to rest!

Rolla is unwillingly hurried off.
Oh, Cora! belov'd! tho' depriv'd of thy view,
My soul hovers near the abode it reveres;
Oh! to hear but thy voice tho' it breath'd but adieu!
To me wou'd be music more sweet than the spheres.
While he is gazing on the temple—distant thunder is heard—the sky appears clouded, the earth agitated, the temple convulsed, and the mountainous volcano threatens an eruption.
But hark! the distant thunder roars!
The dark'ning sky a storm portends;
Yon fiery gulph it's lava pours,
In liquid flame the lake descends!

The eruption commences with a dreadful crash, part of the temple gives way—the voices of the Virgins of the sun are heard complaining.
Oh! save us heaven! hear our moans!


The temple totters! shrieks and groans—

Oh! save us!

Tell death's dreadful tale!
Cora's retreat the flames assail!
Shall dire destruction crush her charms?

The love lorn Cora who will save?

Her voice! I'll clasp her to my arms,
Rescue or perish in her grave.

Another part of the temple breaking—Cora is seen clinging to a pillar—he ascends the ruins—she faints in his arms, and for a period they are invisible— Rolla ENTERS, distracted, followed by Zorimbo.
Oh! heaven! thy pity we invoke!

Rolla assistance ne'er denies!
See! see! he darts through clouds of smoke!

Rolla rushes up the ruins followed by Zorimbo, when out of sight, Alonzo enters with Cora in his arms through a chasm in the temple.


Open my love thine azure eyes!
“To gaze on this angelic form,
“Stern Virtue's self could not reprove;
“My throbbing heart 'gins her's to warm,
“Cora, awake to life and love!

She wakes from her trance, views and embraces him—another dreadful crash—HE BEARS HER OFF.
Ataliba, Priests, &c. ENTER—a variety of characters discovered supplicating—Rolla in an attitude of despair near one of the columns.
SUPPLICATING CHORUS OF Ataliba, Priests, Children, and Virgins.
Oh! light supreme! thy mighty power,
The world's extinction can command;
On us mild peace and plenty shower,
Or stretch Destruction o'er the land!
Whate'er our crime just punishment fulfill,
We yield unmurmuring to thy godlike will.