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The Castilian

An historical tragedy. In five acts

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Scene II.

—The great Square before the Cathedral of Toledo; Citizens flying up the steps of the Cathedral followed by Soldiers in confusion.
Enter Padilla, with sword drawn.
Turn, recreants, or my sword shall make you know
The coward's peril worst. Do my eyes dazzle,
Or is there a plumed officer who shares
This shameful flight?
[Seizes Villena in the crowd.
I'll give thee judgment here—

Have mercy, brave Padilla!

Faugh! Villena—
Thou art not worthy such a death, and thus
I fling thee back again to reptile being—
Live, craven gamester!
[Flings Villena from him.
I will waste no breath
On soldiers train'd in arms—let them fly on


And cowering wait with yonder palsied wretch
The conqueror's lash. Craftsmen of brave Toledo,
Through whose stout hearts these glory-cinctured towers
Have shed the mighty thoughts of ages, guard them
With your rude weapons! Do not seek for swords;
And if you have no axe or bludgeon, use
The naked energy of arms grown strong
From weakness they have circled, to defend
Your wives and sisters stricken dumb with fear
Of woes they dare not shape,—and strike with me!

[Padilla rushes out, followed by the People.