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A Street.
Enter Pescara and an Officer.
Have you dispos'd the chosen band of troops Where I commanded?

In the narrow street,
That from the Villarambla eastward runs,
The bravest soldiers of the garrison
Await your orders.


It is well.
[Exit Officer.
O Fortune,

Thy smile still follows me, and each event
Swells the deep rush of Fate, in whose swift tide
I'll plunge the man I loathe.—And did he think,
The Argus Hate would close his hundred eyes,
And that he could deceive me?
[A shout is heard, and drums beat.
Ha! that shout
Halloos me on, and seems as if my fortune
Cried “Triumph” from afar. Come forth, my sword!
Be true as fate to me.—Again!
[Another shout.
I come!
Rise, Spaniards, rise! like crouched tigers start;
Rush on the slaves, and revel in their blood!
