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—The City of Lisbon.
On the Side of the Stage the Portico of the Royal Palace, from whence proceed the Prince, Princess, Royal Children; Elvira, Emilia, Alonzo; Counsellors of State, Attendants, and Guards, on their way for Embarkation.—Near them appear numerous Inhabitants of Lisbon, who press forward towards the Royal Family: Alonzo beckons to the Guards to make them retire.
Restrain not, good Alonzo, thus my people;
They come with kind affection in their hearts—
We dread no treason here—their tearful eyes
Bespeak a loyalty, and grief unfeign'd:
We want not guards amid our faithful subjects:


Let tyrants build their safety on the sword;
We rest secure upon a firmer base,
Our people's love—that love we hold more dear
Than Empire's self, and all the pomp of power;
The brightest jewel in the diadem.
Mourn not my friends, we part to meet again.
We seek a distant realm, where Portugal
Shall, free from tempests, raise her head sublime,
And form a sure asylum for us all.
My precious babes, whose unexperienc'd minds
[To the Children.
Feel not the cares and sorrows of the world;
Oh! may ye thus remain till happier times.
Farewel my native country!—Oh! farewel!
But let my soul indulge the pleasing hope;
The hope, that after some short lapse of time,
I shall revisit thee, and see thee smile,
Freed from th' Oppressor's hand. Just Heaven may break,
Ere long, thy chains, and raise thy drooping head.
Where'er my fate shall force me, thou, my country,
Shalt live in every thought: on thee at morn,
On thee at latest night, shall Mem'ry dwell
In tender sympathy on thy distress.
Once more, my country, let me sigh “farewel!”