University of Virginia Library


The Scene is a Room of State.
Enter Dorax and Antonio.
Joy is on every face, without a Cloud:
As, in the Scene of opening Paradice,
The whole Creation danc'd at their new being:
Pleas'd to be what they were; pleas'd with each other.
Such Joy have I, both in my self, and Friends:
And double Joy, that I have made 'em happy.

Pleasure has been the bus'ness of my life;
And every change of Fortune easy to me,
Because I still was easy to my self.
The loss of her I lov'd would touch me nearest;
Yet, if I found her, I might love too much;


And that's uneasy Pleasure.

If she be fated
To be your Wife, your fate will find her for you:
Predestinated ills are never lost.

I had forgot
T'Enquire before, but long to be inform'd,
How, poison'd and betray'd, and round beset,
You could unwind your self from all these dangers;
And move so speedily to our relief!

The double poisons, after a short Combat,
Expell'd each other in their Civill War,
By natures benefit: and rows'd my thoughts
To Guard that life which now I found Attack'd.
I summon'd all my Officers in hast,
On whose experienc'd Faith I might rely:
All came; resolv'd to dye in my defence,
Save that one Villain who betray'd the Gate.
Our diligence prevented the surprize
We justly fear'd: so, Muley-Zeydan found us
Drawn-up in Battle, to receive the charge.

But how the Moors and Christian slaves were joyn'd,
You have not yet unfolded.

That remains.
We knew their Int'rest was the same with ours:
And though I hated more than Death, Sebastian;
I could not see him dye by Vulgar hands:
But prompted by my Angell, or by his,
Freed all the Slaves, and plac'd him next my self,
Because I would not have his Person known.
I need not tell the rest, th'event declares it.

Your Conquest came of course; their men were raw,
And yours were disciplin'd: one doubt remains,
Why you industriously conceal'd the King,
Who, known, had added Courage to his Men?

I would not hazard civill broils, betwixt
His Friends and mine: which might prevent our Combat:
Yet, had he fall'n, I had dismiss'd his Troops;
Or, if Victorious, order'd his escape.


But I forgot a new increase of Joy,
To feast him with surprize; I must about it:
Expect my swift return.
[Exit Dorax.

Enter a Servant to Antonio,

Here's a Lady at the door, that bids me tell you, she
is come to make an end of the game, that was broken off betwixt


What manner of Woman is she? Does she not want
two of the four Elements? has she any thing about her but
ayr and fire?


Truly, she flys about the room, as if she had wings
instead of legs; I believe she's just turning into a bird: a house-bird
I warrant her: and so hasty to fly to you, that, rather than
fail of entrance, she wou'd come tumbling down the Chimney,
like a Swallow.

Enter Morayma.
[Antonio running to her and Embracing her.

Look if she be not here already: what, no deniall it seems will
serve your turn? why! thou little dun, is thy debt so pressing?


Little Devill if you please: your lease is out, good Mr.
Conjurer; and I am come to fetch you Soul and Body; not an
hour of lewdness longer in this world for you.


Where the Devill hast thou been? and how the Devill
didst thou find me here?


I follow'd you into the Castle yard: but there was nothing
but Tumult, and Confusion: and I was bodily afraid
of being pick'd up by some of the Rabble: considering I had a
double charge about me,—my Jewells & my Mayden-head.


Both of 'em intended for my Worships sole use and


And what was poor little I among 'em all?


Not a mouthfull a piece: 'twas too much odds in


So seeking for shelter, I naturally ran to the old place


of Assignation, the Garden-house: where for want of instinct,
you did not follow me.


Well for thy Comfort, I have secur'd thy Father; and
I hope thou hast secur'd his effects for us.


Yes truly I had the prudent foresight to consider that
when we grow old, and weary of Solacing one another, we
might have, at least, wherewithall to make merry with the
World; and take up with a worse pleasure of eating and
drinking, when we were disabled for a better.


Thy fortune will be e'en too good for thee: for thou
art going into the Country of Serenades, and Gallantries;
where thy street will be haunted every Night, with thy foolish
Lovers, and my Rivals; who will be sighing, and singing
under thy inexorable windows, lamentable ditties, and call thee
Cruell, & Goddess, & Moon, and Stars, and all the Poeticall
names of wicked rhyme: while thou and I, are minding our
bus'ness, and jogging on, and laughing at 'em; at leisure-minuts,
which will be very few, take that by way of threatning.


I am afraid you are not very valiant, that you huff so
much before hand: but, they say, your Churches are fine
places for Love-devotion: many a she-Saint is there worship'd.


Temples are there, as they are in all other Countries, good
conveniences for dumb enterviews: I hear the Protestants an't
much reform'd in that point neither; for their Sectaries call their
Churches by the naturall name of Meeting-houses. therefore
I warn thee in good time, not more of devotion than needs
must, good future Spowse; and allways in a veile; for those
eyes of thine are damn'd enemies to mortification.


The best thing I have heard of Christendom, is that
we women are allow'd the priviledge of having Souls; and I
assure you, I shall make bold to bestow mine, upon some Lover,
when ever you begin to go astray, and, if I find no Convenience
in a Church, a private Chamber will serve the turn.


When that day comes, I must take my revenge and
turn Gardener again: for I find I am much given to Planting.


But take heed, in the mean time, that some young
Antonio does not spring up in your own Family; as false as
his Father, though of another mans planting.


Reenter Dorax with Sebastian and Almeyda. Sebastian enters speaking to Dorax, while in the mean time Antonio presents Morayma to Almeyda.
How fares our Royall Pris'ner, Muley Zeydan?

Dispos'd to grant whatever I desire,
To gain a Crown, and Freedom: well I know him,
Of easy temper, naturally good,
And faithfull to his word.

Yet one thing wants,
To fill the measure of my happiness
I'm still in pain for poor Alvarez's life.

Release that fear; the good old man is safe:
I pay'd his ransome:
And have already order'd his Attendance.

O bid him enter for I long to see him.

Enter Alvarez with a Servant, who departs when Alvarez is enter'd.
[Alvarez falling down and embracing the Kings knees.]
Now by my Soul, and by these, hoary hairs,
I'm so ore-whelm'd with pleasure, that I feel
A latter spring within my with'ring limbs,
That Shoots me out again.

raising him]
Thou good old Man!
Thou hast deceiv'd me into more, more joys;
Who stood brim-full before.

O my dear Child!
I love thee so, I cannot call thee King,
Whom I so oft have dandled in these arms!
What, when I gave thee lost to find thee living!
'Tis like a Father, who himself had scap'd
A falling house, and after anxious search,
Hears from afar, his only Son within:
And digs through rubbish, till he drags him out


To see the friendly light.
Such is my hast so trembling is my joy
To draw thee forth from underneath thy Fate.

The Tempest is ore-blown; the Skys are clear,
And the Sea, charm'd into a Calm so still,
That not a wrinkle ruffles her smooth face.

Just such she shows before a rising storm:
And therefore am I come, with timely speed,
To warn you into Port.

My Soul fore-bodes
Some dire event involv'd in those dark words;
And just disclosing, in a birth of fate.

Is there not yet an Heir of this vast Empire,
Who still Survives, of Muley-Moluchs branch?

Yes such an one there is, a Captive here,
And Brother to the Dead.

The Power's above
Be prais'd for that: My prayers for my good Master
I hope are heard.

Thou hast a right in Heav'n,
But why these prayers for me?

A door is open yet for your deliv'rance,
Now you my Country-men, and you Almeyda,
Now all of us, and you (my all in one)
May yet be happy in that Captives life.

We have him here an honourable Hostage
For terms of peace: what more he can Contribute
To make me blest, I know not.

Vastly more:
Almeyda may be settled in the Throne;
And you review your Native Clime with fame:
A firm Alliance, and eternall Peace,
(The glorious Crown of honourable War,)
Are all included in that Princes life:
Let this fair Queen be giv'n to Muley-Zeydan;
And make her love the Sanction of your League.

No more of that: his life's in my dispose;
And Pris'ners are not to insist on terms.


Or if they were, yet he demands not these.

You shou'd exact 'em.

Better may be made;
These cannot: I abhor the Tyrants race;
My Parents Murtherers, my Throne's Usurpers.
But, at one blow to cut off all dispute,
Know this, thou busy, old, officious Man,
I am a Christian; now be wise no more;
Or if thou woud'st be still thought wise, be silent.

O! I perceive you think your Int'rest touch'd:
'Tis what before the Battail I observ'd:
But I must speak, and will.

I prethee peace;
Perhaps she thinks they are too near of bloud

I wish she may not wed to bloud more near.

What if I make her mine?

Now Hea'vn forbid!

Wish rather Hea'vn may grant.
For, if I cou'd deserve, I have deserv'd her:
My toyls, my hazards, and my Subjects lives,
(Provided she consent) may claim her love:
And, that once granted, I appeal to these,
If better, I cou'd chuse a beauteous Bride.

The fairest of her Sex.

The pride of Nature.

He only merits her; she only him.
So payr'd, so suited in their minds and Persons,
That they were fram'd the Tallyes for each other.
If any Alien love had interpos'd
It must have been an eyesore to beholders,
And to themselves a Curse.

And to themselves
The greatest Curse that can be, were to joyn.

Did I not love thee, past a change to hate,
That word had been thy ruine; but no more,
I charge thee on thy life, perverse old man.

Know, Sir, I wou'd be silent if I durst:
But, if on Shipbord,, I shou'd see my Friend,


Grown frantique in a raging Calenture,
And he, imagining vain flowry fields,
Wou'd headlong plunge himself into the deep,
Shou'd I not hold him from that mad attempt,
Till his sick fancy were by reason cur'd?

I pardon thee th'effects of doting Age:
Vain doubts, and idle cares, and over-caution;
The second Non-age of a Soul, more wise;
But now decay'd, and sunk into the Socket,
Peeping by fits and giving feeble light.

Have you forgot?

Thou mean'st my Fathers Will,
In bar of Marriage to Almeyda's bed:
Thou seest my faculties are still entire,
Though thine are much impair'd, I weigh'd that Will,
And found 'twas grounded on our diff'rent Faiths;
But, had he liv'd to see her happy change,
He wou'd have cancell'd that harsh Interdict,
And joyn'd our hands, himself.

Still had he liv'd and seen this change,
He still had been the Same.

I have a dark remembrance of my Father;
His reas'nings and his Actions both were just;
And, granting that, he must have chang'd his measures.

Yes, he was just, and therefore cou'd not change.

'Tis a base wrong thou offer'st to the Dead.

Now Hea'vn forbid,
That I shou'd blast his pious Memory:
No, I am tender of his holy Fame:
For, dying he bequeath'd it to my charge.
Believe I am; and seek to know no more,
But pay a blind obedience to his will.
For to preserve his Fame I wou'd be silent.

Craz'd fool, who woud'st be thought an Oracle.
Come down from off thy Tripos, and speak plain;
My Father shall be justify'd, he shall:
'Tis a Son's part to rise in his defence;
And to confound thy malice, or thy dotage.

It does not grieve me that you hold me craz'd;


But, to be clear'd at my dead Masters cost,
O there's the wound! but let me first adjure you,
By all you owe that dear departed Soul,
No more to think of Marriage with Almeyda.

Not Hea'vn and Earth combin'd, can hinder it.

Then, witness Hea'vn and Earth, how loath I am
To say, you must not, nay you cannot wed.
And since not only a dead Fathers fame,
But more a Ladies honour must be touch'd,
Which nice as Ermines will not bear a Soil;
Let all retire; that you alone may hear
What ev'n in whispers I wou'd tell your ear.

[All are going out.
Not one of you depart; I charge you stay.
And, were my voice a Trumpet loud as Fame,
To reach the round of Hea'vn, and Earth, and Sea,
All Nations shou'd be Summon'd to this place.
So little do I fear that Fellows charge:
So shou'd my honour like a rising Swan,
Brush with her wings, the falling drops away,
And proudly plough the waves.

This noble Pride becomes thy Innocence:
And I dare trust my Fathers memory,
To stand the charge of that foul forging tongue.

It will be soon discover'd if I forge:
Have you not heard your Father in his youth,
When newly marry'd, travel'd into Spain,
And made a long abode in Phillips Court?

Why so remote a question? which thy self
Can answer to thy self, for thou wert with him,
His Fav'rite, as I oft have heard thee boast:
And nearest to his Soul.

Too near indeed, forgive me Gracious Heaven
That ever I should boast I was so near.
The Confident of all his young Amours.
[To Almeyda]
And have not you, unhappy beauty, heard,
Have you not often heard, your Exil'd Parents
Were refug'd in that Court, and at that time?


'Tis true: and often since, my Mother own'd
How kind that Prince was, to espouse her cause;
She Counsell'd, nay, Enjoyn'd me on her blessing
To seek the Sanctuary of your Court:
Which gave me first encouragement to come,
And, with my Brother, beg Sebastians aid.

to Alme.]
Thou help'st me well; to justify my War:
My dying Father swore me, then a Boy;
And made me kiss the Cross upon his Sword,
Never to sheath it, till that exil'd Queen
Were by my Arms restor'd.

And can you finde
No mistery, couch'd in this excess of kindness?
Were Kings e're known, in this degenerate Age,
So passionately fond of noble Acts,
Where Interest shar'd not more than half with honour?

Base groveling Soul, who know'st not honours worth;
But weigh'st it out in mercenary Scales;
The Secret pleasure of a generous Act,
Is the great minds great bribe.

Show me that King, and I'le believe the Phœnix.
But knock at your own breast, and ask your Soul
If those fair fatall eyes, edg'd not your Sword,
More than your Fashers charge, and all your vows?
If so; and so your silence grants it is,
Know King, your Father had, like you, a Soul;
And Love is your Inheritance from him.
Almeyda's Mother too had eyes, like her,
And not less charming, and were charm'd no less
Than your's are now with her, and her's with you.

Thou ly'st Impostor, Perjur'd Fiend thou ly'st.

Wa'st not enough to brand my Father's fame,
But thou must load a Ladies memory?
O Infamous base, beyond repair.
And, to what end this ill concerted lye,
Which, palpable and gross, yet granted true,
It barrs not my Inviolable vows.

Take heed and double not your Fathers crimes;


To his Adult'ry, do not add your Incest.
Know, she is the product of unlawfull Love:
And 'tis your Carnall Sister you wou'd wed.

Thou shallt not say thou wert Condemn'd unheard.
Else, by my Soul, this moment were thy last.

But think not Oaths shall justify thy charge;
Nor Imprecations on thy cursed head,
For who dares lye to Heaven, thinks Heaven a Jest.
Thou hast confess'd thy self the Conscious Pandar
Of that pretended passion:
A Single Witness, infamously known,
Against two Persons of unquestion'd fame;

What Int'rest can I have, or what delight
To blaze their shame, or to divulge my own?
If prov'd you hate me, if unprov'd Condemn?
Not Racks or Tortures could have forc'd this secret,
But too much care, to save you from a Crime,
Which would have sunk you both. For let me say,
Almeyda's beauty well deserves your love:

Out, base Impostor, I abhor thy praise.

It looks not like Imposture: but a truth,
On utmost need reveal'd.

Did I expect from Dorax, this return?
Is this the love renew'd?

Sir, I am silent;
Pray Heav'n my fears prove false.

Away; you all combine to make me wretched.

But hear the story of that fatall Love;
Where every Circumstance shall prove another;
And truth so shine, by her own native light,
That if a Lye were mixt, it must be seen.

No; all may still be forg'd, and of a piece.
No; I can credit nothing thou can'st say:

One proof remains; and that's your Fathers hand:
Firm'd with his Signet; both so fully known,
That plainer Evidence can hardly be,
Unless his Soul wou'd want her Hea'vn a while,
And come on Earth to swear.


Produce that Writing.

[Alvar. to Dorax]
Alonzo has it in his Custody.
The same, which when his nobleness redeem'd me,
And in a friendly visit own'd himself,
For what he is, I then deposited:
And had his Faith to give it to the King.

giving a seal'd Paper to the King.
Untouch'd, and Seal'd as when intrusted with me,
Such I restore it, with a trembling hand,
Lest ought within disturb your peace of Soul.

tearing open the Seals.
Draw near Almeyda: thou art most concern'd.
For I am most in Thee.
Alonzo, mark the Characters:
Thou know'st my Fathers hand observe it well:
And if th'Impostors Pen, have made one slip,
That shows it Counterfeit, mark that and save me.

It looks, indeed, too like my Masters hand:
So does the Signet; more I cannot say;
But wish 'twere not so like.

Methinks it owns
The black Adult'ry, and Almeyda's birth;
But such a mist of grief comes o're my eyes,
I cannot, or I wou'd not read it plain.

Hea'vn cannot be more true, than this is false.

O Coud'st thou prove it, with the same assurance!
Speak, hast thou ever seen my Fathers hand?

No; but my Mothers honour has been read
By me, and by the world, in all her Acts;
In Characters more plain, and legible
Then this dumb Evidence, this blotted lye.
Oh that I were a man, as my Soul's one,
To prove thee, Traytor, an Assassinate


Of her fair same: thus wou'd I tear thee, thus—:
[(Tearing the Paper)
And scatter, o're the field, thy Coward limbs,
Like this foul offspring of thy forging brain.

(Scatt'ring the Paper)
Just so, shalt thou be torn from all thy hopes.
For know proud Woman, know in thy despight,
The most Authentique proof is still behind.
Thou wear'st it on thy finger: 'tis that Ring,
Which match'd with that on his, shall clear the doubt.
'Tis no dumb forgery: for that shall speak;
And sound a rattling peal to eithers Conscience:

This Ring indeed, my Father, with a cold
And shaking hand, just in the pangs of Death,
Put on my finger; with a parting sigh,
And wou'd have spoke; but falter'd in his speech,
With undistinguish'd sounds.

I know it well:
For I was present: Now, Almeyda, speak:
And, truly tell us, how you come by yours?

My Mother, when I parted from her sight,
To go to Portugall bequeath'd it to me,
Presaging she shou'd never see me more:
She pull'd it from her finger, shed some tears,
Kiss'd it, and told me 'twas a pledge of Love;
And hid a Mistery of great Importance
Relating to my Fortunes.

Mark me now,
While I disclose that fatall Mistery.
Yhose rings, when you were born, and thought anothers,
Tour Parents, glowing yet in sinfull love,
Bid me bespeak: a Curious Artist wrought 'em:
With joynts so close, as not to be perceiv'd;
Yet are they both each others Counterpart.
Her part had Juan inscrib'd, and his had Zayda.
(You know those names are theirs:) and in the midst,
A heart divided in two halves was plac'd.
Now if the rivets of those Rings, inclos'd,


Fit not each other, I have forg'd this lye:
But if they joyn, you must for ever part,

[Seb. pulling off his Ring. Alm. does the same, and gives it to Alv. who unscrues both the Rings & fits one half to the other.]
Now life, or death.

And either thine, or ours.

I'm lost for ever.— (swoons)

(The Women and Morayma, take her up and carry her off.)
[Seb. here stands amaz'd without motion, his eyes fixt upward.]
Look to the Queen my Wife; For I am past
All Pow'r of Aid, to her or to my self.

His Wife, said he, his Wife! O fatall sound!
For, had I known it, this unwelcome news
Had never reach'd their ears.
So they had still been blest in Ignorance,
And I alone unhappy.

I knew it, but too late: and durst not speak.

[Seb. starting out of his amazement.
I will not live: no not a moment more;
I will not add one moment more to Incest.
I'le cut it off, and end a wretched being.
For, should I live, my Soul's so little mine,
And so much hers, that I should still enjoy.
Ye Cruell Powers
Take me as you have made me, miserable;
You cannot make me guilty; 'twas my fate
And you made that, not I.

[Draws his Sword.
Antonio and Alv. lay hold on him, and Dorax wrests the Sword out of his hand.
For Heav'ns sake hold, and recollect your mind.

Consider whom you punish, and for what;
Your self? unjustly: You have charg'd the fault,


On Heav'n that best may bear it.
Though Incest is indeed a deadly Crime,
You are not guilty, since, unknown 'twas done,
And, known, had been abhorr'd.

By Heaven y're Traytours, all, that hold my hands,
If death be but cessation of our thought,
Then let me dye for I would think no more.
I'le boast my Innocence above;
And let 'em see a Soul they cou'd not sully:
I shall be there before my Fathers Ghost;
That yet must languish long, in frosts and fires,
For making me unhappy by his Crime:
[struggling again.]
Stand off and let me take my fill of death;
For I can hold my breath in your despight,
And swell my heaving Soul out, when I please.

Heav'n comfort you!

What art thou given comfort!
Wou'dst thou give comfort, who hast giv'n despair?
Thou seest Alonzo silent; he's a man.
He knows, that men abandon'd of their hopes
Shou'd ask no leave, nor stay for sueing out
A tedious Writ of ease, from lingring Heaven,
But help themselves, as timely as they cou'd,
And teach the fates their duty.

[Dorax. to Alv. and Anto.]
Let him go:
He is our King; and he shall be obey'd:

What to destroy himself, O Parricide!

Be not Injurious in your foolish zeal,
But leave him free; or by my sword I swear,
To hew that Arm away, that stops the passage
To his Eternal rest.

[Anto. letting go his hold.]

Let him be Guilty of his own death if he
pleases: for I'le not be guilty of mine; by
holding him.

The King shakes off Alvarez
to Dorax.
Infernal Fiend,
Is this a Subjects part?


'Tis a Friends Office,
He has convinc'd me that he ought to dye.
And, rather than he should not, here's my sword
To help him on his Journey.

My last, my only Friend, how kind art thou
And how Inhuman these!

To make the trifle death, a thing of moment!

And not to weigh th'Important cause I had,
To rid my self of life?

True; for a Crime.
So horrid in the face of Men and Angells,
As wilfull Incest is!

Not wilfull neither.

Yes, if you liv'd and with repeated Acts,
Refresh'd your Sin, and loaded crimes with crimes,
To swell your scores of Guilt.

True; if I liv'd.

I said so, if you liv'd.

For hitherto 'was fatall ignorance:
And no intended crime.

That you best know.
But the Malicious World will judge the worst.

O what a Sophister has Hell procur'd,
To argue for Damnation!

Peace, old Dotard.
Mankind that always judge of Kings with malice,
Will think he knew this Incest, and pursu'd it.
His only way to rectify mistakes,
And to redeem her honour, is to dye.

Thou hast it right, my dear, my best Alonzo!
And that, but petty reparation too;
But all I have to give.

Your pardon, Sir;
You may do more, and ought.

What, more than death?

Death? Why that's Childrens sport: a Stage-Play, Death.
We Act it every Night we go to bed.


Death to a Man in misery is sleep.
Wou'd you, who perpetrated such a Crime,
As frighten'd nature, made the Saints above
Shake Heav'ns Eternal pavement with their trembling,
To view that act, wou'd you but barely dye?
But stretch your limbs, and turn on t'other side,
To lengthen out a black voluptuous slumber,
And dream you had your Sister in your arms.

To expiate this, can I do more then dye?

O yes: you must do more; you must be damn'd:
You must be damn'd to all Eternity.
And, sure, self-Murder is the readiest way.

How, damn'd?

Why is that News?

O, horrour! horrour!

What, thou a Statesman,
And make a bus'ness of Damnation?
In such a World as this, why 'tis a trade.
The Scriv'ner, Usurer, Lawyer, Shop-keeper,
And Soldier, cannot live, but by damnation.
The Polititian does it by advance:
And gives all gone before-hand.

O thou hast giv'n me such a glimse of Hell,
So push'd me forward, even to the brink,
Of that irremeable burning Gulph,
That looking in th'Abyss; I dare not leap.
And now I see what good thou meanst my Soul,
And thank thy pious fraud: Thou hast indeed,
Appear'd a Devill, but didst an Angells work.

'Twas the last Remedy, to give you leisure.
For, if you cou'd but think, I knew you safe.

I thank thee, my Alonzo: I will live:
But never more to Portugall return:
For, to go back and reign, that were to show
Triumphant Incest, and pollute the Throne.

Since Ignorance—

O, palliate not my wound:


When you have argu'd all you can, 'tis Incest:
No, 'tis resolv'd, I charge you plead no more;
I cannot live without Almeyda's sight,
Nor can I see Almeyda but I sin.
Hea'vn has inspir'd me with a Sacred thought,
To live alone to Hea'vn: and dye to her.

Mean you to turn an Anchoret?

What else?
The world was once too narrow for my mind,
But one poor little nook will serve me now;
To hide me from the rest of humane kinde.
Affrique has desarts wide enough to hold
Millions of Monsters, and I am, sure, the greatest.

You may repent, and wish your Crown too late.

O never, never: I am past a Boy,
A Scepter's but a play thing, and a Globe
A bigger bounding Stone. He who can leave
Almeyda, may renounce the rest with ease.

O Truly great!
A Soul fix'd high, and capable of Hea'vn.
Old as he is your Uncle Cardinall,
Is not so far enamour'd of a Cloyster,
But he will thank you, for the Crown you leave him.

To please him more, let him believe me dead:
That he may never dream I may return.
Alonzo, I am now no more thy King,
But still thy Friend, and by that holy Name,
Adjure thee, to perform my last request.
Make our Conditions with yon Captive King,
Secure me but my Solitary Cell;
'Tis all I ask him for a Crown restor'd.

I will do more:
But fear not Muley-Zeydan; his soft mettall
Melts down with easy warmth; runs in the mould,
And needs no farther forge.
Exit Dorax.


Re-enter Almeyda, led by Morayma, and followed by her Attendants.
See where she comes again
Be Hea'vn when I behold those beauteous eyes,
Repentance laggs and Sin comes hurrying on.

This is too cruell!

Speak'st thou of Love, of Fortune, or of Death,
Or double Death, for we must part Almeyda.

I speak of all.
For all things that belong to us are cruell.
But what's most cruell, we must love no more.
O 'tis too much that I must never see you,
But not to love you is impossible:
No, I must love you: Hea'vn may bare me that,
And charge that Sinfull Sympathy of Souls:
Upon our Parents, when they lov'd too well.

Good Heav'n, thou speakst my thoughts, and I speak thine.
Nay then there's Incest in our very Souls.
For we were form'd too like.

Too like indeed,
And yet not for each other.
Sure when we part (for I resolv'd it too
Tho' you propos'd it first,) however distant,
We shall be ever thinking of each other.
And, the same moment, for each other pray.

But if a wish shou'd come a thwart our prayers!

It wou'd do well to curb it: if we cou'd.

We cannot look upon each others face,
But, when we read our love, we read our guilt.
And yet methinks I cannot chuse but love;

I wou'd have ask'd you, if I durst for shame,
If still you lov'd? you gave it Air before me.
Ah why were we not born both of a Sex:
For then we might have lov'd, without a Crime!
Why was not I your Brother? though that wish
Involv'd our Parents guilt, we had not parted;


We had been Friends, and Friendship is not Incest.

Alas, I know not by what name to call thee!
Sister and Wife are the two dearest Names;
And I wou'd call thee both; and both are Sin.
Unhappy we! that still we must confound
The dearest Names, into a common Curse.

To love, and be belov'd, and yet be wretched!

To have but one poor night of all our lives;
It was indeed a glorious; guilty night:
So happy, that, forgive me Hea'vn, I wish
With all its guilt, it were to come again.
Why did we know so soon, or why at all,
That Sin cou'd be conceal'd in such a blisse?

Men have a larger priviledge of words,
Else I shou'd speak: but we must part, Sebastian,
That's all the name that I have left to call thee.
I must not call thee by the name I wou'd;
But when I say Sebastian, dear Sebastian,
I kiss the name I speak.

We must make hast, or we shall never part.
I wou'd say something that's as dear as this;
Nay, wou'd do more than say: one moment longer,
And I shou'd break through Laws Divine, and Humane;
And think 'em Cobwebs, spred for little man,
Which all the bulky herd of nature breaks.
The vigorous young world, was ignorant
Of these restrictions, 'tis decrepit now;
Not more devout, but more decay'd, and cold.
All this is impious; therefore we must part:
For, gazing thus, I kindle at thy sight,
And, once burnt down to tinder, light again
Much sooner then before.

Reenter Dorax.
Here comes the sad denouncer of my fate,
To toul the mournfull knell of Seperation:


While I, as on my Death-bed, hear the sound,
That warns me hence for ever.

[Sebastian to Dorax.
Now be brief,
And I will try to listen.
And share the minute that remains, betwixt
The care I owe my Subjects and my Love.

Your fate has gratify'd you all she can;
Gives easy misery, and makes Exile pleasing.
I trusted Muley Zeydan, as a friend,
But swore him first to Secresy: he wept
Your fortune, and with tears, not squeez'd by Art,
But shed from nature, like a kindly shower:
In short, he proffer'd more than I demanded;
A safe retreat, a gentle Solitude,
Unvex'd with noise, and undisturb'd with fears:
I chose you one.—

O do not tell me where:
For if I knew the place of his abode,
I shou'd be tempted to pursue his steps,
And then we both were lost.

E'vn past redemption.
For, if I knew thou wert on that design,
(As I must know, because our Souls are one,)
I shou'd not wander but by sure Instinct,
Shou'd meet thee just half-way, in pilgrimage
And close for ever: for I know my love
More strong than thine, and I more frail than thou.

Tell me not that: for I must boast my Crime,
And cannot bear that thou shoud'st better love.

I may inform you both: for you must go,
Where Seas, and winds, and Desarts will divide you.
Under the ledge of Atlas, lyes a Cave,
Cut in the living Rock, by Natures hands:
The Venerable Seat of holy Hermites.
Who there, secure in separated Cells,
Sacred ev'n to the Moors, enjoy Devotion:
And from the purling Streams and savage fruits,


Have wholesome bev'rage, and unbloudy feasts.

'Tis pennance too Voluptuous, for my Crime.

Your Subjects, conscious of your life are few:
But all desirous to partake your Exile:
And to do office to your Sacred Person.
The rest who think you dead, shall be dismiss'd,
Under safe Convoy till they reach your Fleet.

But how am wretched I to be dispos'd?
A vain Enquiry, since I leave my Lord:
For all the world beside is Banishment!

I have a Sister, Abbesse in Tercera's,
Who lost her Lover on her Bridall day.—

There, fate provided me a fellow-Turtle;
To mingle sighs with sighs, and tears with tears.

Last, for my self, if I have well fullfill'd
My sad Commission, let me beg the boon,
To share the sorrows of your last recess:
And mourn the Common losses of our loves.

And what becomes of me? must I be lest,
(As Age and time had worn me out of use?)
These Sinews are not yet so much unstrung,
To fail me when my Master shou'd be serv'd:
And when they are, then will I steal to death:
Silent, and unobserv'd, to save his tears.

I've heard you both: Alvarez have thy wish.
But thine Alonzo, thine, is too unjust.
I charge thee with my last Commands, return,
And bless thy Violante with thy vows.
Antonio, be thou happy too, in thine.
Last, let me swear you all to Secresy;
And to conceal my shame conceal my life.

Ant, Mor. We swear to keep it secret.

Now I wou'd speak the last farewell, I cannot.
It wou'd be still farewell, a thousand times:
And, multiply'd in Eccho's, still farewell.
I will not speak; but think a thousand thousand;
And be thou silent too, my last Sebastian;


So let us part in the dumb pomp of grief.
My heart's too great; or I wou'd dye this moment:
But Death I thank him, in an hour, has made
A mighty journey, and I hast to meet him.

(She staggers and her Women hold her up)
Help to support this feeble, drooping flower:
'This tender Sweet, so shaken by the storm.
For these fond arms must, thus be stretch'd in vain,
And never, never must embrace her more.
Tis past:—my Souls goes in that word;—farewell.

Alvarez goes with Sebastian to one end of the Stage. Women with Almeyda to the other.
Dorax, coming up to Antonio and Morayma, who stand on the Middle of the Stage.
Hast to attend Almeyda: for your sake
Your Father is forgiven: but to Antonio
He forfeits half his Wealth: be happy both:
And let Sebastian and Almeyda's Fate,
This dreadfull Sentence to the World relate,
That unrepented Crimes of Parents dead,
Are justly punish'd on their Childrens head.