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Aye, I smell it out, I guess,
Why he does speed him thither: his intent is
To get the farm too, as he got the house,
From Lesbonicus. O my master Charmides!
How has your absence your affairs distracted!
Would I could see you safe return'd, to reck
Due vengeance on your foes, and so reward me,
As I have been, and am, your faithful slave.
'Tis very difficult to find a friend
More than in name, to whom your near concerns
Having entrusted, you may sleep at ease.
But see—our son-in-law, Lysiteles,
Comes this way with his neighbour Lesbonicus.


Some difference, what I know not, is between them.
They walk with hasty steps: one holds the other
Fast by the cloak: and now they stop abruptly.
I'll step aside here; for I long to listen
The conversation of these neighbour-youths.

[Retires to a distance.