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Robin Hood

A New Musical Entertainment

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Enter Graspall and Robin Hood.
Still must I beg, and pray, and all in vain?
And shall I ne'er a Father's Right obtain?
What I propose, you stubbornly refuse,
And shun the worthy Gentleman I choose.

R. Hood.
The Hand of Time has bleach'd each changing Hair,
My Person long has ceas'd to charm the Fair;
But I've a Soul that ne'er did Falshood know,
A Heart that melts at a sweet Lady's woe;
A Hand that still can hardy Acts atchieve,
Redress the Wrong'd, and make Oppression grieve.

Sir, to your Merits I my Heart resign:
And now, my Father, all your Will is mine.

There's a good Wench: Yet let us haste away,
Lest Glitter should prevent us.

I obey.


R. Hood.
'Tis scarce six Miles we have to go to-night;
To-morrow, when the Sun resumes his Light,
The chaste Clarinda shall a Husband find,
One that is form'd to make a Virgin kind.

[R. Hood.]
I'm like the Sage, whose learned Eye
Has chanc'd among the Flow'rs to spy,
In pride of Youth, a Butterfly,
And caught the beauteous Prize.

The Maid, whose Squirrel breaks his Chain,
From Sighs and Tears cannot refrain;
But, if the Wanton come again,
She feels such Joys as I.

The Miser, that a Guinea more
Discovers added to his Store,
With Transport finds his Heart run o'er;
My Joys are full as great.
