University of Virginia Library

The third Scene.

To them the Drawer with a towell.
What's your wine sir?

Presently. Stay.

Puls back bride.
Your pleasure sir.

Bride weepes.
I meane not you.

I know your meaning sir.
Exit. Drawer.

Why should those pearles be wasted,
Till they enrich my funerall? Distraction
Hurries my thoughts, and hindreth them from ord'ring
Any resolve. Have I proceeded hitherto?
And shall I now give back? The infamy
Sticks on my name already; and the stain
Thrown on it by the black mouth'd multitude
For being ingratefull, by bare satisfaction
Cannot be washt away. Her vertue likewise
will be suspected. I must therefore on
Since reason prompts me to it. Love shall excuse
The act, and my neglect of other dues.
Sweet I am now resolv'd.

Resolv'd! to what?

To consummate our wishes.

Now I think on't
'Tis better not. I find my flame abated:
My lov's not half so violent, I can stay,
And try you first.

How's this? why will you now
Change your intent that seem'd so resolute?
'Twill make us be the subject of discourse,
And libelling ballads; every goships feast
Will make mirth from our shame.

No matter for't
I now begin t'examine what's in you
So taking. An indifferent handsome frame;

The superficies neatly varnisht over.
In it should dwell a soule rich as the building
Doth promise to the eye; but I suspect it.
Thy actions suite not with a noble spirit.
Thy lov's but wanton passion, not the vertue
Should give it warrant. He that would be mine,
Must in his mind as well as outward shine.
Agen farewell.

Offers again to go.
Stay: I have fool'd my selfe
Into a maze of errors, and do want
M' instructive part to guide me. All my faculties
Of soule are puzled, and at every turning.
Do mate themselves with doubts. Why should you feigne
This cruelty to kill me, when my joyes
Were almost strengthned in the life you gave them,
So far as not to feare a new relaps?
Having corrected all the accidents
Of my diseas'd love, will you now desist
To make a perfect cure?

Medicines apply'd
To an unwilling or distrustfull patient
Their working's hindred. You have ill receiv'd
The meanes; and what succedes, your selfe is guilty of;
No cruelty of mine.

Are you resolv'd then
To send me back to my first misery?
And anew make me wretched?

'Till confirm'd
Ther's merit in you.

Is my want of that
Onely suspected by you? Heare me first,
And then farewell. May I be curst beyond
Recovery by my penitence; let heaven
Ne're make me master of a wish that may
Include my least good, if I marry you—

How's this?

Untill your parents free consent,
And the good liking of that injur'd man

Allow it publike ceremony

Thou canst not
Figure a more impossibility.
It must be never then. Call in thy vow;
The rashnesse will dispense with't

That might give
A new occasion for your cruell wit
To tax me with new weaknesse. Know I can
Be man as well as lover; and am fixt
In my resolve, beyond the power of change
By any passion.

I have play'd too long
With the false shaddow of my happinesse,
And mockt away the substance. By my love
Zealous as ever kindled a chast flame
In any maidens brest, I but dissembled
To try thy patience, and beget discourse.
I am so well confirm'd in my opinion
Of thy desert, that should a thousand tongues
Swoln with detraction, break their tum'rous bags,
Venting from thence the most corrupted malice
That ever made man infamous to me
It should be flatt'ring praise.

Did you dissemble?
Could she who through her eyes conveigh'd her heart,
And the assurance of her best desires
When other meanes were silenst; shee that taught
My equall passion to interpret lookes,
Teares, smiles, and read in those dumb characters
Her soule, dissemble? or with any counterfet
Disturb his joy that only from her truth
Derives it true possession? Jealousie
May then be warranted, since 'tis a vertue
Noble and masculine when justly grounded.
Was not your love dissembled? meant you not
To make a property of these proceedings
For some ends of your own? Dispose your self
As your will guides you; 'twill but make my life

Somewhat more tedious wanting your society:
Besides whom I renounce all woman kind.

I man besides thee. Do not tempt thy fate
Too far beyond a reconciliation
With opportunity; as yet it serves.
If this day give thee not possession of me
Never expect it. I shall find a place
To keep out shame. In some chast fellowship
I'le learn to pay religious vows to heaven.
And pray since here we cannot, we may be
Happy heareafter in eternity.

Dissolve not with those teares my passive heart
That weeps within me. They will almost tempt me
To worse then sacrilege. Anon we will
Consult and practice something.