University of Virginia Library



Now God be praised because He gave
This wonderful golden evening bright.
Gold on the world breaks as a wave,
Gold wings and feathers in full flight.
A gold cloud wraps the purple hill,
Soft as gold down or golden hair,
With crocus gold and daffodil
Now cloth-o'-gold's your only wear.
Gold now are humble water-brooks,
And gold the covering of the tree,
And gold are all the browsing flocks
The moth, the late home-coming bee.
The crow has a burnished head: he flies
A dark flame on the living light;
And gold are all the children's eyes
That will not close this golden night.
Killiney Hill's the bluest grape,
Filled with the golden living wine;
And see the Head's majestic shape.
Streaked with the gold and opaline.
And Howth is gold and rose: the sea
Is golden water, and the ships
Their masts are gold and ivory,
And gold the windless ensign dips.
The dusky cloud carries the fire,
Streaked with pale flame her umber brown;


Gold as the bird upon the spire
The thrush forgets her speckled gown.
O the transfigured world dies off!
The enchanted evening pales and dies!
But some have walked in Paradise grove
And seen the streets of Paradise.