University of Virginia Library



Nothing is common now, or coarse or mean,
My basin, towel, sponge, and all my vesture
Are used by Christ, who maketh vile things clean;
Touched by the Hand whereon the world doth lean,
These in due season show His lightest gesture.
He is the blessing gained, He is the loss,
And everywhere I see the shadowed Cross.
My bedroom shoes but prove His piercèd Feet,
The jewel marks of nails, the bitter branding
Whereof the carpet is a reflex sweet;
My Lord, my Life, at every turn I meet,
The very stains tell where my Love was standing.
No corner but is populous with Him,
And even the dark from glory groweth dim.
I feel His kiss laid on each loathsome sore,
My wounds are His and gathered to His Greatness
Which out of trifles ever waxeth more;
It is His Flesh with many a bleeding pore,
I rest in His own infinite sedateness.
A temple, a palace mine—yea, heaven I hold,
And whatsoe'er Christ toucheth turns to gold.