University of Virginia Library




Awearied with thy struggle into light,
Thou liest exhausted on the dewy grass;
Whilst o'er thee stands thy dam, in bold affright
At every footstep which doth near thee pass:
Pain, fear and joy and love are in her eyes,
And all a living heart's pure mysteries.


But thou, unconscious and regardless lying
On the damp sod; too new inhabitant
Of this great scene of quick'ning and of dying
To know or fear or joy; clothed in thy scant
And rugged fleece, which the cold winds of morning
Unpitying strike, dost stir not at her warning.


O, for the power to look into the spirit
Which, as thy senses from without receive
The knowledge of their being, shall inherit
Thine infant brain; and in its foldings weave


The intricate forms and sounds, perfumes and hues,
Which the great Universe must there infuse!


Even in the contemplation of a lamb,
All that is vast and brief, blessing and curse,
In life and life's, drives thought into a flame
Whose bright spires in the blue-domed Universe,
Beyond the spheres, are hidden! Yet are we,
Weak wretch! but things of breath and blood like thee.


Nor do I know that this so boasted air
Of immortality we bear within
Is privilege: thou dost not know despair,
Though ignorant of hope; nor crime, nor sin,
Though with no self-wrought virtue; and no fear,
Although no faith, doth to thy dream appear.


Or come there thoughts of life to that dark brain;
Or thy life's spirit be as senseless water,
Which, all reflecting, yet doth nought contain
Of that reflected; even from birth to slaughter,
But for some hopes and terrors which are mine,
What difference 'twixt my mortal lot and thine?