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Infantine effusions

By Ernest Charles Jones, written by him, between the eighth and tenth years of his age

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When the crested tear—that pity will bear
Is glancing soft, in the eye
Like a fountain will flow—and its bounties bestow
Uprend'ring to heaven—a sigh


And charity's light—when it bursts on the sight
And its glance, illumines the eye,
And the tear-drop ye bear—is glittering there
Breaks on the air, with a sigh
And the grateful smile—that will light for a while
And sounds by the gale borne high
Break from the breast—where pillowed in rest
Unconsciously rises the sigh
And he who is dying—his spirit is flying
And to leave this frail world is nigh
Departing, to rest—in regions more blest
His soul is upheaved in a sigh
When longing again—for the land, on the main
And the billows are towering high,
Struggling on deck—with the waves o'er the wreck
His prayer's address'd in a sigh;
To heaven will sue—with the trembling crew
The sailor when drowning is nigh
And the seagulls will scream—o'er the tall billows green
And the loud northern wind will sigh


And thus on the wave—that may soon be his grave
He still be prepared to die
Or when he be safe—from the billows that chafe
In gratitude—renders a sigh.