University of Virginia Library


Now 'tis Saturday night
And all is taut and tight
And the work of the week's well done;
Before a pleasant breeze
We're slipping through the seas,
So now's the time for song and fun.
Then put away the prog
And push about the grog,
And jolly let us all, boys, be,
And drink to this my toast,
Here's ‘All we love the most
This Saturday night at sea.’
When from Bess I had to part,
She was down of course in heart,
So I said, ‘Girl, cheer up; be true;
And at sea and spree in port,
At work and rest and sport,
Your Jack will be true to you.


And when the week is done,
And we have a spell of fun
In the forecastle, sure, Bess, be,
The girl I love the most,
You'll always be my toast
Each Saturday night at sea.
Now you that have good wives
To be comforts to your lives,
And little ones at home, so dear;
Not one shall be forgot,
Not the baby in the cot,
‘Wives and children,’ we drink all here.
They're thinking, lads, of us,
To-night, and what a fuss
What a kissing and laughing there'll be,
When safe and snug ashore,
We tell the dears once more
How we drank to them to-night at sea.