University of Virginia Library



Bauld wee birkie, what's the matter,
That ye're raising sic a din?
Weel ye ken it's caller water
Gi'es ye sic a bonnie skin;
Cease your spurring, tak' your washing,
Syne ye'll get your milk and bread;
Gin you dinna quit your splashing,
I may douk ye ower the head.
Now it's ower, my bonnie dearie,
There's a skin like driven snaw,
Lively, louping, plump wee peerie,
See how soon I'll busk you braw;
Let me kame your pretty pow now,
Let me shed your shining hair—
To your gambles! romp and row now,
Whisk and whid round daddy's chair.
Now, ye funny frisking fairy!
See how snod ye're now and sleek!
Water mak's you brisk and airy,
Lights your e'e and dyes your cheek;
O there's nought like being cleanly!
Cleanliness is mair than wealth;
Let us cleed however meanly,
Cleanliness gi'es joy and health.