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Poems, by Joseph Cottle

Second edition, with additions

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Amid the brave, the gen'rous, and the pure,
Thy name, most-injur'd Patriot! shall endure;
Succeeding ages mourn thy hapless fate,
And load its Author's name with deathless hate.
And, though to gain a people equal laws,
Thy weary'd limb a clanking fetter draws,
Yet, what sustains the good man's suff'ring breast,
Shall, tho' endungeon'd, give thy spirit rest:
Unconquer'd, scorn thy once luxurious ease;
With patience arm'd, defy her pow'r to teize;
Whom neither laws of God or man can bind!
Who wars, as interest serves, on all mankind.


For thee shall sound Compassion's softest dirge,
Thy name descend to Time's remotest verge
With growing honors crown'd; and o'er thy grave
The bay shall bloom, the seerless laurel wave.
