University of Virginia Library



Yes! 't was but one chance word—but one chance thought,
That thus endangered—wronged me, and betrayed,
That all this misery and despair hath wrought;—
With weapons edged and poisoned 't was I played!
In sport, I said thou wert the one for whom
My heart alone could beat—alone could burn;
In sport, 't was that I thus pronounced my doom,
And now the dire reality must learn!
In sport, I spoke of thy bright aspect's charm—
Ah! wherefore was the praise so just and true?
I said that thou alone my Soul could'st warm—
In sport, I said—till I believed it too!
Oh! if we tempt Temptations thus to come,
Dare we expect to move unharmed and free?
Haply it might have proved but sport to some—
But, oh! not so—wild, passionate heart! to thee!