University of Virginia Library



I never met three horrider boys
Than Can't, Won't, Sha'n't!
They broke the baby's doll and toys,
And always tried to make a noise
Whenever they were asked to be
Less noisy by their Aunt.
I never met three horrider girls
Than Shrug, Squeal, Pout!
They poured some gum on baby's curls,
They ran away with Auntie's pearls,
And always bit their governess
When Mother had gone out.
At last no invitations came
For Can't, Won't, Sha'n't.
Wise mothers kept their parties snug
By leaving Squeal and Pout and Shrug
To quarrel with their brothers three
And terrify their Aunt.
This Aunt was sweet as sugar-cane,
And tried each day
To teach the children rough and wild
To do as she did when a child.
In vain! She had to pack her bag
And go with tears and sobs away.