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An Acrostic on Sir Peter Warren, Admiral, on board the Invincible at Sea.

Sadly dejected, fair Britannia sat,
Imploring thus the Genius of her State,
Rise to my Aid, she cry'd, some Hero rise,
Protect my Person, and my Foes chastize:
Each Bosom heav'd a Sigh, with Fear dismay'd,
Till George arose to save the drooping Maid:
Elate with Joy, Britannia view'd the Chief,
Resolv'd to perish, or to end her Grief:
Warren, he said, 's my Substitute to save,
As cool in Council, as in Action brave;
Rouz'd to the War, my Thunder he shall pour,
Round Gallia's Coast, and proud Iberia's Shore;
Exacting Vengeance with so strict a Hand,
Nor more thy Foes can give, nor Thou demand.