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CHAP. IV. How WALLACE was sold to the English-Men by his Leman.

Here while they tarry'd Wallace took a Bee
Into his Head that Maiden for to see,
Of whom we spoke before; a Friar's Gown
He to disguise his Personage puts on;
Then hies him to Saint-Johnstoun might and main;
To meet the Dame he was so wondrous fain.
There having past a Night, in wanton Play,
He made a Tryst, to come another Day.
Mean Time the Southerons did corrupt the Maid
With Gold, to have him when he came, betray'd.
According to his Tryst, he came in haste,
Incontinent into her Chamber past.
What they did there, who reads, may rightly spell;
And certes 'twere unmeet for me to tell.


Their Dalliance past, it smote the Damsel's Mind,
To lose a Love so trusty and so kind.
With bitter Wailings then to him made known
The Case, and pray'd him quickly to be gone.
Her Crime he pardon'd with a loving Kiss,
Wip'd off her Tears, nor took her Fault amiss.
Then straight way putting on her Female Weed,
Betakes him to the Gate with utmost Speed.
Past unsuspect by all the Watch, but Twain,
Who wonder'd much at such a sturdy Queen.
Him they pursu'd till getting out of Cry,
He faces him about, their Strength to try;
Pulls out a Brand, was hid beneath his Weed,
And laid upon them, till they both were Dead.
Then hastes him to his Men he left behind,
Such Hazard is in trusting Woman-kind.