University of Virginia Library


THALIA's pupil! her accomplished friend!
Whose genius eager crowds with rapture view;
Whom spirit, ease, and harmony attend;
Alike to Imogen, to Hoyden true:


The faultless powers of the gay muse we prove,
In thee, chief guardian of her brilliant throne!
In thee, simplicity, and nature move;
And Garrick and perfection are thy own.
And if the pathos of thy varied art
Breathes in a tender interlude of song;
How the vibrations of each feeling heart
Tuned by thy voice, the liquid notes prolong!
Let others vocal art, extent, and tone
Applaud, while Mara's undulations roll;
My faculties a stronger influence own;—
The soft, impassioned musick of the soul.
First favourite of the drama's cheerful muse!
Her pride, in mirth; in sentiment refined;
Whose magick brightens fancy's vivid hues;
Accept the tribute of an honest mind.
Yet as fair truth by me was ne'er suppressed!—
May not self love with honesty agree?
Ambition rouzes justice in my breast;
And bids me grace my poetry with thee!


For taste must ever such a theme inspire;
And were it urged with a congenial flame,
Not less the subject than the poet's fire
Would prove my talents, and ensure my fame.
London, June 17, 1793.