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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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XVI. A Song of Praise for a Gospel Ministry.


Fair are the Feet which bring the News
Of Gladness unto Me;
What Happy Messengers are these,
Which my bless'd Eyes do see!
These are the Stars which God appoints
For Guides unto my Eyes.
To Lead me unto Bethlem-Town,
VVhere my dear Saviour Lies.


These are my Gods Ambassadours,
By whom his Mind I know,
Gods Angels in his lower Heav'n,
Gods Trumpeters below,
The Trumpet Sounds, the Dead arise,
VVhich fell by Adam's Hand;


Again the Trumpet Sounds, and they
Set forth for Canaans Land.


The Servants Speak, but thou, Lord, dost
An hearing Ear bestow:
They Smite the Rock, but thou my God
Dost make the waters Flow.
They Shoot the Arrow, but thy Hand
Doth drive the Arrow Home.
They call, but Lord, thou dost Compell,
And then thy Guests are come.


Angels that Fly and VVormes that creep,
Are both alike to Thee.
If thou mak'st VVormes thine Angels, Lord,
They bring my God to me.
As Sons of Thunder, first they come,
And I the Lightning Fear;
But then they bring me to my Home,
And Sons of Comfort are.


Lord, thou art in them of a Truth,
That I might never Stray,
The Clouds and Pillars March before
And shew me Canaans way.


I bless my God who is my Guide;
I Sing in Sions ways.
When shall I Sing on Sions Hill
Thine Everlasting praise?