University of Virginia Library



I am a cunning Constable,
And a bag of Warrants I have here,
To press sufficient Men, and able,
At Horn-Castle to appear;
But now-a-days they're grown so cunning,
That hearing of this Martial strife,
They all away from hence are running;
Where I miss the Man, I'll press the Wife.


Ho! who's at home? Lo! here am I!
Good morrow, Neighbour. Welcom, Sir.
Where is your Husband? Why truly
He's gone abroad, a Journey far.
Do you not know when he comes back?
See how these Cowards fly for life!


The King for Souldiers must not lack;
If I miss the Man, I'll take the Wife.


Shew me by what Authority
You do it? Pray, Sir, let me know.
It is sufficient for to see,
The Warrant hangs in bag below.
Then pull it out, if it be strong,
With you I will not stand at strife.
My Warrant is as broad as long;
If I miss the Man, I'll press the Wife.


Now you have prest me, and are gone,
Please you, but let me know your name,
That when my Husband he comes home,
I may declare to him the same.
My name is Captain Ward, I say,
I ne'r fear'd man in all my life:
The King for Souldiers must not stay;
Missing the Man, I'll press the Wife.