University of Virginia Library


XXIII. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
Deo patri sit gloria.

Salvator mundi, Domine,
Fader of hevene, blyssid thou be,
Thou gretyst a mayde with on ave,
Que vocatur Maria.
Adesto nunc propicius,
Thou sendyst thi sone swete Jhesus,
Man to become for love of us,
Deo patri sit gloria.
Ne mentem sompnus oprimat,
Betwyx an ox and an as
Cryst hym self born he was
De virgine Maria.
Te reformator sensuum,
Bothe lytil and mekil and alle a[nd] sum
Wolcum the tyme that now is com,
Deo patri sit gloria.
Gloria tibi, Domine,
Thre personys in trenyté,
Blyssid mot they alle be,
Deo patri sit gloria.