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The Oration of faire Neæra.

When Neptune late bestowed on me this barke,
And sent by me this present to your Grace:
Thus Nereus sung, who neuer sings but truth.
Thine eyes (Neæra) shall in time behold
A sea-borne Queene, worthy to gouerne Kings,
On her depends the Fortune of thy boate,
If shee but name it with a blisfull word.
And view it with her life inspiring beames.
Her beames yeeld gentle influence, like fayre starres,
Her siluer sounding word is prophesie.
Speake sacred Sybill, giue some prosperous name,
That it may dare attempt a golden fleece,
Or diue for pearles, and lay them in thy lap.
For winde and waues, and all the worlde besides,
Will make her way, whom thou shalt doome to blisse,
For what is Sybils speech, but oracle?
Here her Maiesty named the Pinnace, the Bonaduenture, and Neæra went on with her speech, as followeth.
I now Neæraes barke is fortunate,
And in thy seruice shall imploy her saile,
And often make returne to thy auaile.
O liue in endlesse ioy, with glorious fame,
Sound Trumpets, sound, in honor of her name.