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[How god doth kepe the ryghteous men]

Benedicā dominū in omni. psa. xxxiii.

How god doth kepe the ryghteous men
and he wyll them defend
How for to leade a godly lyfe
yf you do so intend.
I wyl vnto the lorde
be geuinge thankes alwayes
My mouth & tongue shal euer be
a speakyng to hys prayse
My soule shal make her boste
in god the lord of myght

The pore opprest shal heare ther of
and gladlye shal delyght
I do you now exhort
o prayse the lorde wyth me
To gether wyth an humble harte
hys name to magynyfye
For I my selfe besought the lorde
he harde me by and by
And out of al my payne and wo
he dyd delyuer me
O come and be you lyghtened
and to him drawe you nere
And then wythouten shamefastnes
your faces shall apeare
This poore man cried vnto the lord
And he dyd heare hys prayer
And from his troubles euery one
delyuered hym full fayre
The aungell of the lorde
doeth pytche his tente full rounde
Aboute al thē that doeth him feare
to kepe them safe and sounde
How frendly is the lorde
o taste and se who luste

And blessed is that man
that in him putteth hys trust
O feare the lorde his holiones
se that ye do hym please
For they that feare him lack nothīg
but euer shal haue ease
The rych shal suffer hunger greate
and want that lyuyng foode
But they that seke the lord shal lack
nothyng that which is good
Come hether o you chyldren
and harken to my voyce
I shal you teache the feare of god
and therin to reioyce
Who so lusteth for to lyue
to se good dayes is fayne
Let hym hys tongue & lippes kepe
all euyll to refrayne
Al euyl thinges let them eschewe
do good and neuer cease
And let him seke and eke insewe
to lyue in reste and peace
For why the eyes of god are set
vpon the ryghteous men

Hys eares are open to theyr praiers
and he prouydethe for them
The face of god is also bent
thy wycked men to se
Them to destroy out of the earth
and all theyr memorye
When ryghteous men do crye
the lord doeth heare their mone
And from their troubles by and by
he wil them helpe anone
The lorde is nere vnto al them
that are in harte contryte
And he wyl helpe soch as be meke
and of an humble spryte
The troubles of the ryghteous
although that they be great
The lord shal helpe them out of all
and fayre wyl them intreate
He kepeth all theyr bones
together safe and sounde
So that not one of them is broke
wyth any strype or wound
But mys fortune greate
the wycked men shall kyll

And they that hate thee ryghteous
shalbe accused of yll
The lorde wyl the soule saue
or them that doeth him serue
And al that put ther trust in hym
that they shall neuer swarue