Songs of Sion Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe] |
Songs of Sion | ||
The seuenth straine.
O Lord thou hast me tride,And day by day dost knovve
My thoughts, my vvords, my lookes my deeds,
My sighs, my groans, my vvoe.
My bones they are not hidThou knevvst them all each one
For in thy note they vvere all vvrote
Each ioynt, and bone, by bone,
Trie still, and search mine hart,My thoughts proue day, & night
And if the ill doe touch me lord
O leade me to the right.
For thou canst rule my rainesAs vvhen I vvas in vvombe.
O giude me in this life of mine,
And rest me in my tombe.
Keepe me from men that museOf bloud of bane of ill,
O let me thinke of thee o lord,
And hovve to doe thy vvill.
So shall noe shame me tayntMy corps, my goods, my name
So shall I rest in ioy, and peace,
And touch noe blot of shame
So shall thy folke for me,Be glad, and sing thy praise,
So shall my selfe, my seed, my solue
Be thine in all my daies.
7. Sighe.
O let not my suite come in vaine to thee, but heare o my god, and say to my soule I am, and vvill be thy asse from hell, thy port from the sea of this vvorld, and vvill bring thee to the bay of blisse.
Songs of Sion | ||