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Mark Antonine getting upon his pate
Th'Imperiall Trinket, Royall Laureate
Doth point his sparkling sword in Holy blood
Drawn from the Saints, Phlebotomizd, aflood.
In Asia first this Cruell game is plaid
And Philodelphs twelve Champion brave assai'de,
They did with hellish Cruelties untill
Their scourging Whips according to their Will
Their inward Veans and Arteries make appear
Their intrails bowells, members too seen were,
Then set them on sharp Shells, Edgd, Nails, and Thorns
To go upon, then thrown to beasts with scorns.
Germanicus behavde himself herein
Most Christianly, with patient suffering
And those that came at this sad sight to gaize
Were smit hereby and put into a maize.
Old Polycarp an Apostolick man
Johns Choice Disciple, Smyrna's Light began
To fill this rage he's apprehended, ta'ne
And entring in the judgment place, there came
A Voice from heaven heard by many there
That said, Oh Polycarp, be of good Cheere,
And play the man, Then urgd Christ to deny,
I've eighty six years serv'd him, did reply
He never hurt me, how then shall I fling
Ill speech against my Sovereign Lord, and King:
Being threatined if he took no better way
To be unto the Wild beasts thrown, did say
Then bring them we resolve repentance shall
Not from the better to the worst of all
Convay us. Then being threat'ned the fire,
He said thou threatenest us with fire in ire
But knowst not the Fire of Everlasting doom
That is reserved the Wicked to Consume,
Then to the Pile he goes but yet denay'd
To be their naild, and when he had then pray'd,
The fire was kindled, and the flames did rage
And unto Wonder like a Valted Stage
Or Sayle filld up with winde about him who
Lay in the midst not burnt, but shone like to
Refined Gold and Silver, and there rose
A sweet perfume like Myrrh and touched those


That did him tend: at last they thrust him through
And end him with a Sword: hence blood doth flow
And quench the fire. Then was the Enemy
Amazd to see how bravely Christians dy.