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The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man

Englisht by John Lydgate, A.D. 1426, from the French of Guillaume De Deguileville, A.D. 1330, 1355. The Text Edited by F. J. Furnivall ... With Introduction, Notes, Glossary and Indexes by Katharine B. Locock

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Arystotyles answerd:

‘Certys,’ quod Aristotiles,
‘I dar affermë doutëles,
Ther ys no thyng that I kan se,
That may Gyvë ful sawlë
(Who that wysely kan aduerte,)
ffor to staunche a gredy herte,
Nat alle the world, yt to fulfyl,
Thogh yt were hooly at hys wyl.’