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[Ladie of ladies, the delight alone]

Ladie of ladies, the delight alone
For which to heaven earth doth no envie beare;
Seeing and hearing thee we see and heare
Such voice, such light, as never sunge nor shone.
The want of heaven, I grant, yet we may moane,
Not for the pleasure of the angells there,
As though in face or voyce they like thee were,
But that they many bee and thow but one.
The basest notes which from thy voyce proceed
The treble of the angells doe exceed.
So that I feare theyre quire to beautifie,
Lest thow to some in heaven shall singe & shine;
Loe! when I heare thee singe, the reason why
Sighes of my breast keepe tyme with notes of thine.