University of Virginia Library


THE . 9 . CANT.

I turne againe the fatall veird till end
Of Angelique, Quha dois to luife resist,
Quhois fyrie force the fellest may offend,
Thair dournes dompting vith his amorus mist.
The strongest men, deificat and blist,
Hes law Inclynit till his luiflie laws.
O, than excuise this ladie or scho vist
Quha nar approtching to the dainger draws.
Ȝit I except all thois quho reson knaws
And may protect tham be that puissant scheild;
Thocht we be veak, as pruife maist amplie schaws,
Grace may guuerne ws for to vin the feild.
Bot we sould not our self esteme for beild
To beir this Mychtie monarck at disdaine;
Quho pryds tham so perchans may suddan ȝeild,
Quhan thay suppois at fredome to remaine.
Exemples monie occupies my braine
This till appruife be pretticks plainlie past,
Bot tham I pass, And onlie vill explaine
Quhow thrallit vas this ladie at the last;
Quhilk all rebelling brests may mak agast,
That dois agains the links of luife contend;
Thocht one thair be quho sits in hichest mast,
Ane traine may cum to mak his flycht discend.
Sum vill perhaps think this ourpertlie pend,
Quhois musing mynds my menir may not meis;
I cair no thing thocht Rurall Pan offend,
Gif I do veill my Brycht Apollo pleis,


Quhois plesand speitche My propos may vpreis
Hich to Pernasse, thocht vthers it deiect,
And euerie courtas cunnyng reidar eis,
Quhan he vith proper gillit pen correct
All miss sall mend, Quhilk I haif done neglect.
Thir vrigling werse Than plaine sall pass perfyt,
Quhilk to my mateir tends againe derect,
Indewlie daschit be my dullit dyt.
The lustie Peirles Angelique maist quhyt,
Of gyd now quyt, Bent in hir Iournay ryds;
Quha of hir ring hes vonderful delyt,
And be great vertew of the sam confyds
To pass alon saife quhair hir father byds;
for quhan scho lyks no creature hir knaws.
So quhylis seine, And quhyls vnseine, scho slyds
Throche flurist feilds And seimlie schaddowit schaws,
Detesting vyce of all venerian laws,
Quhill that the Amorus goddes fround for yre,
And Cupid keine vith wraith his visage thraws
So for to sie ane vorldis vycht Impyre.
He and his mother both thay do conspyre
Abowe this dame to be superior,
And hir Inflamd vith furius feruent fyre,
Quhilk spred hir throche all parts Interior
for luife onlie of ane Inferior,
Quho in the vod lay vondit to the deed,
And was no valȝant vordie verior
To beir the croune of laurell on his heed.
O Angelique, quhais fame begins to feed,
The quhilk sa lang hes flurist far and fair,
I do lament thir lothsum lyns to leed
Of thy betrappit persone in this snair.
Thy luifers all And Chastetie preclair
Quhy sould thow for ane sempill suldart lois?
Quhair is thy prudence now to mak the spair
Thy vanton will so schortlie to disclois?
Thow puls the vyd And leifs the fragrant rois;


In doube thow baths Quyting the fontane cleir.
The gouldin lyn, helas, quhy dois thow lois
To catche ane frog And tyns the perle but peir?
The Troiane Creseid thow presentis heir,
Quhais treuth to Trustie Troyalus vas pycht;
Scho for ane king did chainge hir luifer deir.
Bot thow elects ane vofull sempill vycht,
Quhois puir oppressit persone deedlie dycht
Vith pitius ie thy presens dois espy,
As Tisbie did Sir Pirramus hir knycht,
Quhair Scho persawed him deedlie bleiding ly.