University of Virginia Library

Sa all the syse was verray discontent.
That Venus was sa scharp and Impatient.
At Desperance, quhilk was put in hir will:
Ilkane thinkand thay did richt sair repent,
That thay him put sa far in merciment.
Considerand ouir sair scho was him till.
Ȝit than thay fand ane wit mouit of skill,
Quhilk was that thay wald Venus make content
Be sum new burd, and hir plesour fulfill.
This be quhilk was on the Assise Chancellar,
To Esperance in quiet scho said thair.
Into all haist sone on thy kneis sit doun
Befoir Venus, as Ladie most preclair:
Humblie prayand, for hir grace singular,
For to grant grace and life to thy Munȝeoun,
Thocht thow and he fell in ane strange opinioun
Thow traistit not suld fallow sic dangear,
Or dout of deith, or perpetuall presoun.


And sa sall he be saif or ellis nocht,
And as scho said swyith Esperance hes wrocht,
But mair delay fell doun vpon his kne
Befoir Venus, with all deuoir he docht.
Sayand Madame, for him that was all bocht,
My petitioun that ȝe wald grant to me.
For ȝour greit reuth, and sweit benignitie.
Ȝe wald grant grace, for grace I to ȝow socht,
Mak Desperance quite of Captiuitie.
As ȝe ar flour of all Feminite,
Grant him his life, and mak him anis fre.
And I promit vnder all hiest pane
That may Incur or be laid vpon me
That he sall not eschew away, nor fle.
Bot quhen ȝe pleis to enter him agane.
Prayand ȝour grace that I wirk not in vane.
Than said Venus, as thow will sa salbe.
Scho grantit grace, than Esperance was fane.
Ȝit said Venus, I say this with restrictioun:
I grant him grace, bot vnder the conditioun,
In time to come that he brew na mair baill,
Vnder all pane of the greitest punitioun,
That may be had, with haistie executioun:
And na proces of Law sall him awaill.
For remembrance of this memoriall
That I haif said, I will he find cautioun.
(Quod Esperance) that sall I be but faill.
Than Venus gart ane nobill Nimphe but mair
Callit Confort, baith plesand and preclair,
Fair of fassoun, benigne with all bewtie
Dissolue his handis quhilks richt fast bundin war
And maid him quite of all his greit dangeir.


Quhair he befoir was fast scho maid him fre:
Sayand gude schir, now blyith and merie be:
Quhair ȝe befoir was sicker in the snair,
I sall ȝow put to ȝour awin libertie.
Gif he was blyith, it neidis not now to speir:
Than said Venus, ȝit ȝe sall gar him sweir.
That he keip all promisis that is said.
Schir said Confort, ȝe man lay ȝour hand heir
Vpon this buik, and with ane aith austeir,
Ȝe man mak fast that salbe to ȝow laid.
Ladie Venus ȝe sall neuer degraid,
In word, nor deid, nor neuer do hir deir.
So sweir the same (quod he) I am richt glaid.
For and ȝe do (quod Confort) but debait
Agane Venus rais ony rank riat
In time to cum, it will caus sturt fra hand
Anis in hir girne and ȝe be laqueat
Or in ony point be dissimulat,
I ȝow assure ȝour pardoun will not stand,
Bot haistie deith, tinsall of life and land.
Be war thairfoir that ȝe haif na desait
(Quod he Madame) faith I sall keip my band.
And sa beliue but mair proces or baid,
Confort causit his greit aith to be maid,
Vpon all pointis rehersit of befoir.
Than the Assise and all the Court was glaid.
Sine Esperance anone to Venus said,
Madame I wald ane thing at ȝow Imploir,
That ȝour worschip sall augment and decoir.
Micht I ȝour grace be ony sort perswaid,
I wald this man in ȝour seruice restoir.


Sa ȝour grace thocht his seruice acceptabill:
I sall vphald his seruice Inceissabill
Vnto ȝour grace, with all his micht and mane
All faltis bygane of quhilkis he was culpabill
He did or said be crimes criminabill,
Be quite forȝet, ouirsene, and all forlane,
Neuer to say, nor do ȝow falt agane,
Bot euer in ȝour seruice agreabill
To leif and de with ȝow ay to remane.
Than Venus said with facound face and fassoun
Sa that I wist it war his awin affectioun,
And thairof had ane sicker assurance,
I wald not cuir to grant to ȝour peticioun:
And als him gif ane generall remissioun.
It is but dowt Madame, said Esperance.
Than (quod Venus) vnto my obseruance
I him restoir but ony collusioun,
And puttis him haill agane in ordinance.
Than Venus at Dame Vesta did Inqueir,
Madame, how ar ȝe pleisit of this cheir.
Than said Vesta, I can no more compell.
With me remane, owther day or ȝier
In my seruice to byid or perseueir:
Bot as thay pleis, and likis best thame sell.
Bot quha likis weill with me remane and dwell
Can not be turnit be fair wordis nor austeir,
Nor in na sort with ȝow will Intermell.
That gentill man vnfetchit he come to me,
Murnand richt sair that dolour was to se:
Of all confort he was richt desolait,
Quhan I him saw I had reuth and pietie
That he was put vnto sic pouertie.


At his requeist I purposit for debait.
Bot now sen he is gane ane vther gait.
I am content, sa he contentit be:
For in na sort his companie I couait.
Sa at all time I bruik my priuilage,
That it be not redact vnto thirlage,
Bot fre and frank fra all kin kind of wicht,
And ȝe Venus with ȝour Court of curage
I ȝow discharge that ȝe haif na bondage
Of me, nor mine be ȝour fals subtell slicht.
And I siclik agane to ȝow dois plicht.
In time to cum ather do na owtrage.
Thay war content, and Vesta tuik gude nicht.
Than Rhamnusia sone scho gart cry on hie:
I will this Court as now continewit be,
To the same force, forme, effect as effeiris,
As of befoir, bruikand all libertie.
And sa thay rais Ilkane in thair degre.
And Venus taill twa Ladeis vp it beiris.
Vtheris agane the gait befoir hir steiris:
And swa thay pas with greit solemnitie
To Venus hall, baith Ladeis and Bacheleiris.
Than Venus gart ane sort of Ladeis ȝing
Sone Desperance vnto hir Chalmer bring:
And him vncled of all his awin vesture.
Incontinent ane vther fresche cleithing
He was withcled: and he agane randring
To Venus thankis abone all creature:
Sayand Madame, quhill my life may Indure,
I salbe ay faithfull but fenȝeing
Vnto ȝour grace but dowt I ȝou assure.


Weill (said Venus) thow dois me now plesour,
Howbeit befoir thow was ane forfaltour,
And to my Name was callit Desperance.
In presence heir within my hall and Bour
I the resaif into my greit fauour,
And makis the feir to my Knicht Esperance,
Thy greit honour, and worschip to auance.
Of thy auld Name I the deprive this hour:
To thy Drourie, and callis the Dalience.
And of my Knichtis I make the ane expres,
That keipis my Bour heir now befoir witnes,
Scho callit hir Knichtis befoir hir euer ilkane:
Quhais Names was (gif I can weill thame ges)
Ȝouth, wantones, Vassalage, and Blyithnes,
Pastance, Plesance, Mirth, Merines ouir ane,
Curage, Kindnes, and Rippet, in was tane,
Fauour, Nurtour, Glaidnes, and Gentilnes,
Audacitie ane Nobill Knicht allane.
Compeirit sone Sensualitie thair.
Quhilk to Venus was richt cheif Cubiculair
Humanitie, Solace, and Hardines:
Sine Manlines, with Nobilnes, maid repair:
Sine sweitnes come quhilk was hir Thesaurar.
Sine Cheualrie come in with vailȝeantnes:
And Esperance come in with him Prowes:
Sine in come Lust, greit Lord and Secretair:
And at his bak come Sport and Tendernes.
Quhen Venus had hir Knichtis all in presence:
To thame scho said in oppin audience:
Heir is ane squyre the quhilk Daliance hecht,
That to my Court sum time hes maid offence:
Bot for sic thing with him I clene dispence.


And in fauour heir I resaif him richt,
And him restoris be the hand to the hicht,
That he had ay of my Court, with credence:
In signe heirof Daliance I dub Knicht.
Swa in hir armis than scho him thristit thryis
And swa did all the Ladeis of the Assyis:
And syne the Knichtis as thay expedient
Thocht for the time, as the vse is and gyis.
Than thay began to dance at all deuyis,
That the greit noyis flew to the firmament.
Than tuik thay in Iurnayis of Tornament.
And speir rinning, with mony Interpryis;
Bot buklar play was thair sport most frequent.
Bot quha had sene the Iournayis of rinning,
Greit Tornamentis, and mony speiris brekking,
Sad straikkis, and soir, without ony ransoun.
The vther part agane recountering
With greit defence, and wonder ferce riding:
It had bene fecht callit ane richt felloun.
Quha wan the feild, or greitest Campioun,
Or was Victour, I nacht decerne that thing:
Bot as me thocht Ladeis was ay dung doun.
[The] bald battell, and brekking of harnes
The bricht breist plaittis with birnist brukilnes,
The braid buklaris but bald was laid on breid,
The bluntit blaidis with manlie besines,
The scheddit scheilds, deip woundis but fairnes,
The peirt persing of foirgeir into deid,
The faisit speiris, and neuer wound did bleid,
The forwrocht wichtis in verray werines,
To schaw as now war prolixt to proceid.


Bot to haif sene as semit be apperance,
The rank Inuy, and the foull defiance,
The greit malice, and eik the fremmit feir,
The sowr persute, and syne the resistance,
The rigorous rais with greit vultrequedance,
Ȝe wald haif traist it had bene ringand weir:
Bot neuer ane thair did ane vther deir,
Louing to GOD all endit with plesance;
Ilk man that ran he buir hame his awin speir.
Sine quhen the feild discomfit was and done,
The Trumpettis blew with sic kin noyis & tone
The rumour rais with ane fell reird and cry,
And bad Ilkane that thay suld pas but hone,
In all gude haist, and make him for the none,
And to thair dine suld dres thame haistelie:
Sone war thay set with mirth and melodie.
Ladie Venus was first set in hir Throne:
Sine all hir Nimphis in thair degre hir by.
Nixt in ordour was set ilk Nobill Knicht,
As the Marschell it speidfull thocht and richt,
Bot in the feild that day quha preuit best
With manlines and manifest thair micht
Venus gart sit in ane place of mair hicht,
At hir Tabill, and ay hir self neirest,
Ilk delicat but dowt was to thame drest.
For scho thame thocht gude play fuilis day & nicht
To take pastime quhen vtheris ȝeid to rest.
Swa still thay sat the coursis come bedene
In siluer werk that was baith bricht & schene.
The strang meittis mixt with the spices hait,
The confectioun sa costlie and sa clene,
At this present befoir that lustie Quene,


The deir dancers with diuers delicait,
Sa plesandlie to hir wos preparait,
In all my dayis sic neuer I saw with ene,
Thame to rehers it excedis my consait.
And sine the drink it was sa delicious,
With smell and sauour, sa sweit and amorous:
All michtie wine I traist but dowt was thair.
Bot quhair I lay sa lang vnder the bus,
Swyith vp I rais in Name of deir IESVS,
Me thocht I wald fane had part of thair fair.
Fordward I fuir, richt faint I ȝow declair,
In hoip to haif at thame honest almous,
Becaus I was sa auld ane man and hair.
Swa in I come amang that companie,
Quhair thay sat at thair heuinlie Maiestie.
I ask almous for luif of IESVS deir.
Thair stude I lang, neuer ane blent to me.
[At] last ane said, quhat may ȝone fell freik be,
With the quhite berd and scarlat ene dois bleir?
Ane vther said, ald carll quhat dois thow heir?
Quhat can thow do for our vtilitie.
To rin ane rink, or ȝit to brek ane speir?
Ane vther said, I knaw weill be his face,
He is not ane man to rin in our Barrace,
For laik of pith he is sa puir and peild.
Than said the fourt, heir he will get na grace
It war mair meit seik to sum vther place,
Quhair he war abill to get sum better beild.
And speirit my Name: I said thay call me Eild.
Swyith pak (quod scho) or ȝour bak beir a bace:
Out of this hall: ȝe ar not for this feild.


All the Ladeis were verray discontent:
And grew at me wonder Impatient.
And schew Venus that I was in the hall.
Befoir hir I was brocht Incontinent:
In my contrair scho grew matilent.
Sayand, auld Carll, the foull euill the befall.
How durst thow be sa malapert with all
In my palice thy self for to present?
Swyith out of sicht, gar sling him ouir the wall.
I said Madame and, it pleisit ȝour grace,
Thocht now the day and hour be cum on cace,
Into ȝour hall ȝe hald me odious;
The time hes bene I wald haif run ane race,
And brast ane speir in mid of the Barrace,
As nichtbouris did, and was als Cheualrous
In ony deidis, or Actis anterous:
I was als frak quhen I had time and space,
As ony is this day within this hous.
Bot the greit deidis that I tuik oft on hand
Into ȝour Court, quhen I dwelt in this land:
The rank riding, and the greit turnament
Causis me now, that I may skantlie stand,
Bot I haif bene sa lang at ȝour command,
Now for to ride I laik abuilyement:
My riding geir is all to gane and spent.
Ȝit had I geir I suld be ȝour seruand.
Ȝe knaw Madame, gude will suld be payment.
Ga way said scho, ane fell freik thow hes bene
That weill I knaw be thy beld heid and ene:
With thi gude wil thow hes done that thow may
Bot thy gude will without gude deid betwene
Is not comptit in my Court worth a prene.


Trowis thow gude will be payment? I say nay
I luif ȝou weill: sa did I ȝisterday.
Preif it than in deid with curage fra the splene.
Gude will but deid is not bot barnis play.
Quod he Madame, I sene the day and hour,
Ȝe wald haif thollit me to byid in ȝour Bour.
(Quod scho) that is past, gude nicht now feldifair
Fair on fond fuill, thow gettis heir no fauour:
Thow art no Page for to do vs plesour.
And sa schortlie I was schot ouir the stair.
The ȝettis was closit hard on my heillis thair.
[T]hus thay me treit with tene within that Toure
[Of] all thair Feist, nor meit gat I na mair.
At Venus Court their quite I tuik gude nicht,
Quhair I sum time was wont to be ane Knicht.
I kist the ȝettis thair neuer to come agane.
Hamewart I drew with all my mane & micht
With staf in hand, caus past was the day licht.
I fand ane fyre quhairof I was richt fane:
With Ink and pen to writ I maid me bane,
As ȝe haif hard now reid befoir ȝow richt.
Of thir Ladeis and Court venereane.
Beseikand ȝow heirof that reidaris be,
With hartlie lufe and all humilitie,
Becaus I was baith fundeit, faint, and cald,
And culd not bring away all perfitlie,
Throw dull Ingine, and none habilitie;
Or by ressoun quhair ony thing is tald,
Throw haltand verse quhair cullour dois not hald
With all requeist excuse that ȝe wald me:
And for pennance my pen I heir vpȝald.


Praying ȝow all baith Ladeis ald and ȝing
Gif I haif said or forȝit ony thing
Of my awin heid into ȝour contrarie,
To grant mercie, and gif pennance conding
First fra Venus and sine fra Cupide King,
Quhair all lufaris suld leill Heretouris be.
Now last of all praying CHRIST on our kne
He wald vouchesaif till heuin vs for to bring
At our last end, Amen for cheritie.